

Planning a trip to Lebanon

Entry requirements: passport, visa, health, tax, customs, currency

1. Passport: Required, except for holders of
    1. Expired passports issued to nationals of Lebanon.
    2. Identity Cards issued to national of Syria (providing coming directly from Syria).
    3. Identity Card  issued to national of Lebanon (valid or expired).
    4. Laissez-Passer issued by the Lebanese Government
    5. Laissez-Passer issued by the United Nations. They must hold tickets and other documents (including visa if required for onward or return travel).
    6. Military Identity Card (with Movement or Leave Order) issued to the Deterrent, Emergency, U.N. Interim (UNIFIL) and Security Forces.
    7. Seaman Book (travelling on duty ) issued by any country. The seaman must hold a passport if continuing to Lattakia (Syria).
    8. Travel document (Titre de Voyage) for refugees according to the London Convention of 1946 and the Geneva Convention of 1951, issued by any country other than Israel. They must hold a prior permission from the Directorate of of Immigration in Beirut.
Validity: The passport must be valid at least 30 days (nationals of India and Pakistan: 3 months) beyond the estimated duration of stay in Lebanon.
Admission and transit restrictions: Jewish passengers not holding Israeli passports are treated as nationals of the country that issued their passport)
    1. The Government of Lebanon refuses entry and transit to holders of Israeli passports.
    2. The Government of Lebanon refuses entry to:
    a.  residents of Gaza holding a Laissez-Passez signed/issued by Egyptian authorities, unless holder has obtained a visa from a Lebanese representation abroad.
    b. holders of passports of a country of the Arab League other than Lebanon if these passports are valid for one year only from date of entry.
    3. Holders of passports containing a visa for Israel, valid or expired, used or unused, are refused entry. They may only transit Lebanon on same aircraft within 24 hours and without leaving the airport.
     - if passport is stamped "valid for Israel", holder is allowed to enter Lebanon.
     - members of group travels (organized by travel agents and comprising more than three persons), who are holding a passport with visa for Israel, are allowed entry. Leader of the group must hold copy of this information. It is not necessary to await confirmation from Beirut.
    4. The government of Lebanon refuses entry to holders of expired travel documents of any kind (including Laissez-Passer and Titre de Voyage issued by Lebanon) except for expired Lebanese passports issued to those of Lebanese descent.
Additional Information:
1. Nationals of India need a return or onward ticket ex Lebanon if their profession gives cause to the suspicion that they might look for employment in Lebanon e.g manual labourers.

2. Visa: Warning: Passengers arriving in Lebanon with incorrect or incomplete entry/transit documents will be refused entry/transit and deported at carrier's expense.
    Visa required except for:
     1. nationals of Lebanon
     2. nationals of Syria for a stay of max. 3 months
     3. nationals of Turkey for a stay of maximum 1 month
     4. Palestinians holding valid Lebanese Laissez-Passer
     5. children under 15 years  provided accompanied by their parents.
     6. holders of diplomatic passports, provided accredited to Lebanon
     7. those of Lebanese descent provided holding valid Lebanese identity card or expired Lebanese passport .
     8. United Nations staff, being diplomats holding diplomatic cards, issued by the Lebanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
     9. allien residents in possession of a valid residence card.
   10. members of the Dterrent, Emergency U.N. Interim  (UNIFIL) and U.N. Security Forces holding Military Identity Cards.
  11. those continuing their journey to a third country within 24 hours, provided holding confirmed onward tickets and all documents required for country of destination (There is no hotel at Beirut airport and it is  not permitted to pass the night at the airport).
Nationals of many countries can also obtain business or tourist visas upon arrival
Visa is granted on arrival for free for a single entry and can be renewed for stays up to three months. Note that extending a stay in Lebanon without permission is a serious offense. A fee will be payable before departure is permitted.
Merchant Seaman: must travel on duty and hold Letter of Guarantee of shipping company
1. if arriving by air in order to board ship, or if arriving by ship in order to board aircraft:
 visa not required:
- if nationalily of the seaman is mentioned in 2. "Visa" 1. and 2.
- for those holding a statement of the shipping company that seaman will board his ship/aircraft in a Lebanese harbor/airport within 24 hours after arrival
2. if in direct transit to abroad: visa not required:
- if nationality of the seaman is mentioned in 2. "Visa" 1. and 2.
- for those continuing their journey to a third country within 24 hours, provided holding confirmed onward tickets and all documents required for country of destination. There is no hotel at Beirut airport and it is not permitted to overnight at the airport.
Issue: Prior to arrival by the Lebanese representative abroad or on arrival at the airport or any land border with Syria.
Visa can also be arranged via the Directorate of the Security Headquarters - Beirut, but must be available at the airport immigration department prior to arrival and confirmed.
Additional Information: Application for extension of a visa or a residence permit should be made at the Directorate General of Immigration in town
Re-entry permit: Returning allien residents must hold a re-entry permit to be obtained before departure from Lebanon.
Not required for allien residents in possession of a valid Residence Permit
Exit Permit: Required when leaving the country.
Exempt are:
1. nationals of Lebanon
2. holders of a valid residence permit or a valid visa.
3. members of the Deterrent, Emergency, U.N. Interim (UNIFIL) and U.N. Security Forces holding Military Identity Card.
Issue: At least 24 hours before departure, free of charge at the General Security Office of the Lebanon, through the intermediary of the office of one of the publishing airlines at Beirut.
Notes: Not applicable to the following passengers who must continue their journey to a third country (without leaving the airport) provided holding tickets with definite reservation from Beirut.
a. nationals of Bangladesh, Ghana, India, Mauritius, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Seychelles, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Thailand;
b. nationals of Sudan, except if holding diplomatic passports or if being clergy men, businessmen or merchants and holding proof thereof;
c. holders of Laissez-Passer of any nationality, except if holding Lebanese Laissez-Passer.

3. Health: Required - except for transit passengers not leaving the airport  - vaccination against:
yellow fever, if arriving by air within 6 days after leaving or transiting infected areas.

4. Tax: no airport tax is levied on passengers upon embarkation at the airport

5. Customs and VAT:
    Import: free import
    1. Residents
    a. 200 cigarettes or 200 grammes of tobaco;
    b. 1 litre of alcoholic liquor ;
    c. a reasonable quantity of perfume.
    2. Non residents
    a. 500 cigarettes or
        - June 1 - October 31:  25 cigars or 200 grammes of tobacco;
        - November 1 - May 31: 500 grammes of tobacco; no cigars;
    3.   Crewmen; seamen
    a. 20 cigarettes only, in open packages; no other tobacco articles;
    b. alcoholic liquor: nil
    c. a reasonable quantity of perfume
    Arms and ammunition:   import licence required under all circumstances to be obtained prior to arrival from the Ministries of Defense and Interior at Beirut.
    Pets: all live animals must be accompanied by a valid health certificate, issued by a veterinarian in the country of origin. This certificate is to be approved and stamped by an appropriate government authority of that country.
     Export: free export of an unlimited quantity of tobacco products and alcoholic beverages.
     Prohibited: antiquities without export licence
All ordinary personal effects are exempt from customs duty.
The Value Added Tax VAT: As of February 2002, the value added tax has been implemented in Lebanon and it covers the majority of products which are included in the customs tariff. The value added tax represents 10%  of the value. The taxable value of the imported goods is the value of the goods which is approved by the Customs in addition to the customs duty and any other due charges and fees of the imported goods.

6. Currency:
    Import: allowed
    local currency (Lebanese Pound - LBP) and foreign currencies in any form to an unlimited amount.
    Gold coins: provided declared
    Export: allowed
    local currency (Lebanese Pound - LBP) and foreign currencies in any form to an unlimited amount with   the exception of gold coins. However, if a quantity og gold coins is declared on arrival, the same quantity may be exported.

Currency Exchange:
The official Lebanese currency is the Lebanese Pound or Lira (LBP or  LL). Notes are available in denominations of: 1,000; 5,000; 10,000; 20,000; 50,000; and 100,000. There are also 250 and 500 coins.
U,S, dollars are used widely throughout the country. Restaurants, hotels, and stores often quote their prices in U.S. dollar for you upon request. If you plan to use U.S. dollars it advisable to bring small bills (US$ 1, to US$ 20 notes).
The US / LBP exchang rate is relatively stable, hovering around US$ = 1,500 LBP. The appreciation of the Euro since early 2007 has benefited European travelers. The Euro / LBP exchange rate has fluctuated from 1 Euro = 1,400 LBP in June 2007 to 1 Euro = 1900.00 in My 2012. Check the yahoo! currency converter
Money or travelers checks can be exchanged at banks, private money exchange shops, and major hotels. Major credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Diners Club) are at most large establishments throughout the country. ATMs are also widely available in Beirut and larger cities and will usually dispense both U.S. dollars and Lebanese pounds.

Currency Name - (ISO codes)  Buy / Sell LBP - 10 November 2017
Australian Dollar (AUD) 1557.00 / 1567.00
Argentinian Peso  ( ARP) 307.85 / 307.85
Bahraini Dinar ( BHD) 4015.60 / 4045.60
Brazilian Real (BRR) 729.00 / 739.00
Canadian Dollar (CAD) 1510.80 / 1520.80
Chinese Yuan (CNY) 240.75 / 242.75
Danish Krone (DKK) 266.35/ 268.35
Egyptian Pound (EGP) 244.00 / 246.00
Euro (EUR) 1986.50 / 2006.50
Great Britain Pound (GBP) 2418.50 / 2438.50
Honk Kong Dollar (HKG) 193.55 / 195.55
Indian Rupee (INR) 26.95.50 / 27.95
Japanese Yen (JPY) 17.02 / 18.02
Jordanian Dinar (JOD) 2115.50 / 2135.50
Koweiti Dinar (KWD) 5310.00 / 5360.00
Norwegian Krone (NOK) 269.15 / 268.35
Oman Rial (OMR) 3919.65 / 3949.65
Qatari Rial (QAR) 413.70 / 417.75
Russian Ruble (RUR) 49.10 / 50.10
Saudi Rial (SAR) 401.65 / 405.65
Swedish Krona (SEK) 230.60 / 232.60
Syrian Pound (SYP) 17.00 / 22.00
Swiss Franc (SFR) 1646.25 / 1656.25
Turkish Lira (TRL) 837.00 / 847.00
United Arab Emirates Dirham (AED) 410.15 / 414.15
United States Dollar (USD) 1501.00 / 1514.00

While Arabic is Lebanon's official language, English and French are widely spoken. Most Lebanese speak at least two or three languages, and visitors will find no problems communicating. Many establishments provide signs, menus, and information in both Arabic and English.

Lebanon time is G.M.T. + 2 hours in winter (October to March) and + 3 hours in summer (April to September), when daylight saving time is observed.

Business Hours
Shops and businesses are typically open Monday through Saturday, 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Hours vary and in summer many establishments close early. Restaurants hours vary and many restaurants especially in Beirut are open late.
Banking hours are Monday through Saturday 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Working hours for government offices and post offices are typically 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Thanks to its diverse population and different religious groups, Lebanon has a full calendar of official holidays. Athough all banks, government officies, and schools are closed on holidays, it is often possible to find shops and restaurant open for business.

Holidays with fixed dates
- New Year's Date - January 1
- Christmas (Armenian - Orthodox) - January 6
- St Maron's Day - Februaty 9
- Labor Day - May 1
- Martyr's Day - May 6
- Resistance and Liberation Day - May 25
- Ascension Day - August 15
- All Saints Day - November 1
- Independence Day - November 22
- Christmas Day - December 25

Religious Holidays with movable dates
- Catholic Good Friday
- Orthodox Good Friday
- Catholic Easter
- Orthodox Easter
- Ras al Sana - (Muslim New Year)
- Eid el Fitr ( three days)
- Eid el Adha (three days)
- Al Ashoura
- Moulid An Nabi (Prophet Muhammed's Birthday)


While the telephone system in Lebanon is well developed there are few public pay phones and international phone calls are expensive. Most Lebanese use mobile phones, and coverage extends throughout the country.
The country code for Lebanon is (961). This is followed by the local area code and the telephone number. The area code for mobile  is (03) - (70) - (71). If you are dialing Lebanon from outside the country, omit the (0) in the area code.
You can get a mobile phone card from any mobile shops and there are plenty, where it wil cost around 10 USD and you can buy recharge amounts anytime. A local phone call from a mobile might cost 21-36 cents per minute depending on peak times. Send an international sms for 18 cents and pay 55 cents as an average for one minute international call depending on the country.

There are internet cafes available throughout Lebanon, and many larger hotels now offer high speed and wireless internet access for free for a small fee.
Internet service in Lebanon is widespread. Connect for free at most public librairies and cafes. Many coffee houses offer free wireless if you have your own WI-FI enabled computer. Some might charge about 2 USD  per hour use and can find internet cafes where you can access the internet without having your own devices.

Electric current is 110/220 volts, 50 cycles. A two-pin plug with round pins is commonly used (Type C similar to many European countries), but other types of  plugs such as flat blade plug, three round pins arranged in a triangle and two parallel flat pins with ground pin. are also in use so it is best to check before you go.

Lebanon is a developed country with relatively good health facilities. Similar to travel to other foreign countries, hepathis A and B vaccines are recommended; also make sure tetanus-diphteria and measles vaccinations are up-to-date. A typhoid vaccine is also recommended for travel to Lebanon.
Also Beirut tap water ic considered safe to drink, it is probably best to drink bottled water as the Lebanese do. As is the general traveler's rule to be absolutely safe drink water only from bottles with intact caps, do not take ice in your drinks, and eat only cooked food and fruits that you can peel.

Getting to Lebanon
By Air
Beirut International Airport at Khalde 9 km south of Lebanon is Lebanon's only International airport. The airport is served by many international airlines, as well as the national carrier, Middle East Airlines Connections to cities in the Middle East, Europe, North America, Asia, and Africa are frequent.

By Land
There are four border crossing points between Lebanon and Syria; Masnaa (on the Beirut - Damascus highway), Qaa (at the northern edge of the Bekaa Valley), Arida (north of Tripoli along the coast), and Aboudiye (northeast of Tripoli). You can travel between Lebanon and Syria by private/rental car, bus private taxi or service taxi. Nationals of many countries can get a Lebanese visa  at the border.

To travel between Beirut and  Damascus
- From Charles Helou Bus Station Trieste Street facing Beirut Port
with a shared taxi 25,000 LBP - 17 USD per person to Al Somaria taxi and bus station in Damascus.
- From Sami el Solh Avenue Museum Square with "Transport and Tourism Services Company" (Transport & Tourism Services Co. has suspended its transportation services to Damascus due to the current events in Syria, the service will resume once the situation gets back to normal).

To travel between Beirut and Aleppo
- From Charles Helou Bus Station Trieste street facing Beirut Poprt
with a shared taxi 2,500 SYP - 35 USD via Damascus per person to Hanano taxi and bus station in Aleppo
with a shared taxi 1,500 SYP - 21 USD via Homs (actually disconnected due to different  incidents occuring on the way between Homs and Aleppo).

To travel between  Tripoli and Mersin (Turkey)
- Contact in Lebanon Walimar Maritime Agency 961 6 216521 -  961 3 386191 - 961 3 227262 (Mr. Ibrahim el Sayaegh) - 961 3 727597 (Mr. Ali el Zeini). Ferry Boat Azzurra sails from Tripoli to Mersin every Thursday costs of the crossing 199 USD incuding tax in Lebanon and Turkey.
- Visit in Turkey and Northern Cyprus

Getting around in Lebanon
For the independent traveler, it is possible to make your way to the main attractions in Lebanon via a combination of buses and taxis, or rental car. The small size  of the country makes such trips very manageable. High quality traditional and ecotour operators also offer a wide variety of tours and packages that explore destinations throughout the country.

From Beirut International Airport
Taxis are widely available at the airport, and most gotels in Beirut can arrange for a taxi  driver to pick you up from the airport. The price is usually around 40 - 50 USD from the airport to a hotel in downtown Beirut, Hamra, Achrafieh, Ain el Mreisseh, Manara.

The two main bus companies in Lebanon are the public bus company, OCFTC, and the private bus company, The Lebanese Commuting Company (LCC). Both OCFTC and LCC  have buses that run on extensive routes from Beirut to towns throughout the country. The price of a one way ticket is usually 1,500 to 3,000 LBP (1 to  2 USD) per person. The two main bus stations in Beirut are Cola roundabout (for destinations to the south, the Bekaa Valley and the Chouf region) and Charles Helou Bus Station (for destinations to the north, Syria and Jordan). It is best to go to the station and ask someone which bus goes to your desired destination.

Alternatively, you can hire a taxi and driver from one of the many private taxi companies to take you on a rerturn trip to a destination outside of Beirut. You should be sure to agree on a round trip price ahead of time. Round trip prices range from 50 USD to 150 USD, depending on the destination and type of car desired. The taxi will pick you up from your hotel. Shared service taxis (services), which run on set routes in Beirut and between towns throughout the country are also widely available. These are less expensive option than hiring a private taxi. Fares are 2,000 LBP - 4,000 LBP in and around Beirut, and 4,000 LBP -10,000 LBP for destinations outside of Beirut.

Rental cars
Rental cars are widely available to Beirut, although the cost is relatively high compared to elsewhere in the region. Rental costs may range from 50 USD - 150 USD per day or higher depending on the type of car. Most rental companies will also provide a driver with the car, for an additional fee of USD  25 - 50. Fuel prices are relatively reasonable in Lebanon by European and American standards.
Drivers in Lebanon should exercise caution. In general, the road quality is poor, traffic jams are common, parking is difficult and traffic rules are not enforced. Outside of Beirut there is shortage of road signage and those signs that do exist are usually in Arabic.
An international driving licence is required if you want to drive in Lebanon.

Rental bicycles
- Cyclo Sport Gouraud Street, Gemmayzeh, Beirut
- Beirut By BikBeirut International Exibition  and Leisure entrance(BIEL) 
- Byblos Bike 961 76 142052  Main entrance road to Byblos next to Banque Libanaise pour le Commerce and Societe Generale de Banque au Liban.
- Cycling Circle Circling Beirut on weekly basis in the morning and at night 961 3 120575 (departure point of the group ride at Cyclo Sport, Gouraud Street, Gemmayzeh, Beirut)

Organized bus tours
  A number of traditional tour companies take tourists on full-size, air-conditioned buses to the main tourist destinations in Lebanon. Check tour operators for tour packages options.

Outfitted trips
Another options is to see the country as part of a small, outfitted group. Outdoor adventure and ecotour operators will arrange transportation for packages in different price ranges. As added bonus is that guided outdoor or cultural activities are included and tailored to your group's interests. Other than independent travel, an outfitted trip can be the best way to truly explore the country and experience Lebanon's culture and nature.

Roueiss cave is an ideal cave for beginners to explore with the company of an expert guide. Not only is the cave big (the second longest in Lebanon after Jeita), it also has large chambers with several passages that at times are narrow and low. It also has large chambers with several passages that at times are narrow and low. It is possible to walk through the cave to an exit.
Water streams snake their way through the cave and is considered as a primary water source that feed the Ibrahim River. Water drips from the cave's ceiling at various spots, creating amazing stalagmites and stalactites.
Location: Aqoura, Byblos district, Mount Lebanon province. Distance from Beirut: 78 km. Elevation: 1900 m. Length: 5066 m
For caving in Roueiss Grotto contact Ms. Randa Bacha General Manager  O Club s.a.r.l. Tour Operator Beirut email or

Furnished Apartments
Furnished apartments are available for rental on a weekly basis to Beirut and other major cities in Lebanon. These usually cater to people coming to Lebanon for a long term stay but they can also be a cost effective option for families or small group of travelers. Apartments range from studios to three or more bedrooms, and they typically include fully equipped kitchens. The buildings usually offer hotel type services, such as laundry service, housekeeping, linens, televisions, telephone, service etc... Prices range from 150 USD to 300 USD per week, and are typically highest in the summer season.

Entrance Fee in LBP  adopted by archaeological and tourists sites in Lebanon
Ain Wazeen Grotto 10,000
Anjar Fortiification 6,000
Baalbeck Temples Lebanese tourists 10,000 - Foreign Holidaymakers 15,000
Beirut National Museum 5,000
Beiteddine Palace 7,500
Boat Tour on Lake Karaon: 3,750 per person
Byblos Archaeological Site (Crusader Castle and Roman Amphitheater) 8,000
Cable Car (Jounieh - Harissa): 9,000
Cedars Nature Reserve (The Cedars) 2,000
Faqra Ruins 3,000
Gibran Museum (Bcharre) 5,000
Iran Park (Maroun El Ras) free
Independence Castle (Rashaya el Wadi - Western Bekaa Valley) 2,000
Jeita Grotto Adult 18,150; 4 - 11 years 10,175; 0 - 3 Free
Kefraya Vineyards and Greco-Roman hypogeum Train Tour 5,000
Launch Tour on Lake Karaon: 30,000  (1 - 8 persons)
Marie Baz Museum (Deir el Qamar) Adult: 12,000 -  Children: 8,000
Mineral Museum (Damascus street Beirut)  less than 12 years: free, 13 - 18 years: 2,000, Students: 3,000, Adult: 6,000, ICOM Members: free
Moussa Castle (Deir El Qamar)10,000
Museum of the first and oldest Arab Print in the Levant, St John Monastery Khonshara 3,000
Niha Fortress 4,000
Roueiss Grotto (Akoura)5,000
Shouf Cedars Nature Reserve 7,000
Sidon Sea Castle 4,000
Tannourine Cedars Forest Nature Reserve 2,000
Tebnine Castle (Tebnine) free
Tripoli St. Gilles Crusader Castle 7,500
Tyre Hippodrome and Ruins 6,000
Wax Museum (Byblos) Adult: 8,000 - Children 5,000
Wildlife Taxidermy Museum (Lake Benaichaii - Ehden) Adult  8,000 Children 6,000

A word to the wise
Lebanese people are socially conservative. Except at the beach resorts visitors should dress modestly hats and shorts are considered offensive in churches. When visiting a mosque, it is important to remove shoes before entering and to be dressed modestly.
- Because of the Mediterranean currents visitors should not swim at beaches that are not marked as safe.
- Solo women are safe in Lebanon it is best to stick to lighted area once walking at night.
- Smoking in public places is an issue for some travelers. Sometimes it seems that everyone in Lebanon smokes anywhere they want. Actually, only about one quarter of the population uses tobacco, and No Smoking signs are proliferating as in most taxicabs. No smoking sections are starting to appear in restaurants, and there are tobacco free rooms and entire floors in many hotels.
- Public restrooms can be very basic in rural ares. Travelers should try to use those in restaurants and museums when possible, or duck into the nearest large hotel.
- Taxis do cruise the streets waiting to be hailed by passenger. Visitors should use caution when using taxis, it is easy to be duped by a non licensed driver.
- Most of the major tourist attractions in Beirut are situated close together and within easy walking distance of major hotels and restaurants. Traffic in the city is chaotic at best, and the maze of streets presents a challenge for even local drivers. Taxis are plentiful, and the fares are among the cheapest in Europe. Drivers often stop to pick up more than one fare if passengers are travelling in the same general direction.
- While conditions on the main highways are good, roads in remote areas are sometimes poorly maintained. A lot of rural areas have not well maintained asphalt roads. Road signs are in Arabic and French. Visitors from North American require to have an International Driver's License. The minimum age requirement to rent a car is 18 years.
- Exchange bureau in Lebanon tend to give better  rates than banks. ATM machines which allow travelers to draw money from their home accounts can be found in many locations. Credit cards are widely accepted. Lebanon has pegged its currency to the USD. Both Lebanese Pound (LBP) and United States Dollar (USD) are accepted as a method of payment.
- Travelers should make sure they have adequate health insurance that covers them while they are traveling to Lebanon.

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  Recommended furnished apartments in Hamra:
Casa Lina:
Diva House:
Elegant Suites:
Elysee Residence:

Alternative lodging B&B, Auberges, Guesthouses)
The Lebanese are renowned for their hospitality, but the concept of Bed & Breakfasts is relatively new in Lebanon, especially in smaller towns. The past few years have seen an interest in the number of B&B available, as ecotour operators establish relationships with local communities and bring small groups to stay for an authentic Lebanese experience.
The price of staying in a B&B is typically inexpensive and is usually included in the total price of a tour package to a particular region of Lebanon. Independent travelers can also reserve rooms in charming and unique B&B, auberges and guesthouses. Reservation can be made by phone or email.

Recommended B&B, Guesthouses and budget hotels in Beirut: 
Lebanese Youth Hostel Federation:
Hayete Guesthouse:
Pension al Nazih:
Port View Hotel:
The Private Hotel:
Saifi Urban Gardens:
Regis Hotel:
Hostel World:
Hostel Lebanon:

Recommended Bed & Breakfast in Jezzine
"Hello Thea" is located in Bkassine, operated by Therese Chahine, facilities include one bedroom with 4 beds, living room with 2 sofabeds and one private bathroom, breakfast and other meals provided.
Contact Mrs Therese Chahine on 961 7 800402 - 961 3 512099
Cozy guesthouse, the owner Therese is renowned for her good humored nature and excellent hospitality. She does her utmost to make guests feel welcome.
Therese has transformed her garden into a delightful retreat, filled with scented plants, herbs and pine trees, an ideal space for relaxing and taking in the surrounding nature. She serves delicious traditional Lebanese food using her own produce when in season. A stay here provides an authentic experience with a local family and Therese will make sure that you leave her relaxed, revived and with a smile on your face.

Recommended guesthouse in Zouk Mikael
"Almond Blooms": old souk Zouk Mikael - Kesrewan, 961 9 222901
An almond tree is not the only thing that blooms with that name now, because Almond Blooms Guesthouse took upon itself that name to signify and emphasize its presence amongst a batch of beautiful Almond Trees.
The Almond Blooms Guesthouse is a family run establisment, welcoming all who wish to stay embraced by comfort to a modern design with a welcoming breeze.
Being present in the old souk of Zouk Mikael, it is possible for those staying at the guesthouse to take a lovely stroll amongst the crafts shops, and have a nice drink or cup of coffee at one of the coffee shops placed a stone throw away from one another.

Well located, clean, standard room hotels can be found all over Lebanon.
Lebanon also boasts a wide range of world class hotels and resorts, which rival those in any other part of the world in terms of service and amenities. These luxury hotels and resorts are concentrated in and around Beirut, along the coast, and at the main ski centers. Amenities may include restaurants, pools and spas, internet access, private beaches and much more. Most hotel staff speak fluent English, French, and Arabic. Prices for top end hotels may range from 75 USD to over 300 USD a night for a two person room.

Recommended Hotels in Lebanon

Al Bustan  
Category: 5 stars
Address: Beit Mery
Tel: 961 4 870400
Fax: 961 4 972439

Superbly located with breathtaking views over Beirut and the Mediterranean sea, exclusive comfortable and beautifully furnished.

Additional Facilities
Medical service, hairdresser, chrono bike, chrono run, computer TV games, free access to sports club, auditorium, simultaneous translation

Rooms and Suites: 117
Restaurant: 2
Night Club: No
Coffee Shop: Yes
Conference Hall: 4
Business Center: Yes
Swimming Pool:  Yes
Health Club: Yes
A/C: Yes
Satellite TV: Yes
IDD Telephone: Yes
Mni Bar:  Yes
Baby Sitter: Yes
24 Hours Room Service: Yes

Chtaura Park Hotel 
Category: 5 stars
Address: Chtaura Bekaa
Tel: 961 8 540011
Fax: 961 8 542686

The Chtaura Park Hotel is located in the heart of the
green oasis Chtaura. It is 45 minutes drive from Beirut
International Airport, 30 minutes drive from the Syrian
Lebanese border, at an altitude of 950 meter, dry and
invigorating climate, healthy, clear air, with pleasant surroundings.

Additional Facilities
Private balcony, 3 tennis courts, mini golf, children playground.

Rooms and Suites: 72
Restaurant: 3
Night Club: Yes
Coffee Shop: Yes
Conference Hall: 3
Business Center: Yes
Swimming Pool:  Yes
Health Club: Yes
A/C: Yes
Satellite TV: Yes
IDD Telephone:Yes
Mini Bar: Yes
Baby Sitter: Yes
24 Hours Room Service: Yes

Crowne Plaza 
Category: 5 Stars
Address: Hamra Street Beirut
Tel: 961 1 754755
Fax: 961 1 749555

The Crowne Plaza Hotel is located in Hamra Street, in the
heart of business and shopping area of Beirut.

Additional Facilities:
Shopping center and department store

Rooms and Suites: 198
Restaurants: 4
Night Club: No
Coffee Shop: Yes
Conference Hall: Yes
Business Center: Yes
Swimming Pool: Yes
Health Club: Yes
A/C: Yes
Satellite TV: Yes
IDD Telephone: Yes
Mini Bar: Yes
Baby Sitter: Yes
24 Hours Service: Yes

Gefinor Rotana  
Category: 5 stars
Address: Hamra Beirut
Tel: 961 1 371888
Fax: 961 1 372999

Adjacent to the Gefinor Office Center, the hotel is ideally located in the heart of Beirut. Hamra district is within walking distance and Beirut International Airport is just 15 minutes away.

Additional Facilities
Car rental, same day laundry and dry cleaning service,
professional secretarial support, jewellery shop, assistance
for translation upon request.

Rooms and Suites: 128
Restaurant: 2
Night Club: No
Coffee Shop: Yes
Conference Hall: 4
Business Center: Yes
Swimming Pool: Yes
Health Club: Yes
A/C: Yes
Satellite TV: Yes
IDD Telephone: Yes
Mini Bar: Yes
Baby Sitter: No
24 Hours Room Service: Yes

Grand Hills Village 
Category: 5 stars
Address: Broumana
Tel: 961 4 862888
Fax: 961 4 860888

Overhanging Beirut city, Grand Hills Village stands on
a hill with a stunning view on beautiful surroundings, under
a blue sky and  a blowing cool breeze.

Aditional Facilities
Royal residence with 3 pavillons, shopping center, SPA,
 car rental desk, photographer, supermarket, theatre

Rooms and Suites: 118
Restaurant: 12
Night Club: Yes
Coffee Shop: Yes
Conference Hall: Yes
Business Center: Yes
Swimming Pool: 3
Health Club: Yes
A/C: Yes
Satellite TV: Yes
IDD Telephone: Yes
Mini Bar: Yes
Baby Sitter: Yes
24 Hours Service: Yes

Grand Hotel Kadri 
Category: 5 stars
Address: Zahle
Tel: 961 8 813920
Fax: 961 8 803314

The Grand Hotel Kadri is situated on the famous Berdawni river, in Zahle, 54 km from the capital Beirut. It is conveniently located a minute walk from downtown Zahle and from Berdawni restaurants.

Aditional Facilities:
 Ballroom, tennis court, beauty salon, video games, playing ground for children.

Rooms and Suites: 105
Restaurant: 3
Night Club: Yes
Coffee Shop: Yes
Conference Hall: 3
Business Center: Yes
Swimming Pool: Yes
Health Club: Yes
A/C: Yes
Satellite TV: Yes
IDD Telephone: Yes
Mini Bar: Yes
Baby Sitter: Yes
24 Hours Room Service: Yes

Le Meridien Commodore 
Category: 5 stars
Address: Hamra Beirut
Tel: 961 1 350400
Fax: 961 1 345806

Location Situated in the heart of Beirut, close to the shoppping, business and government districts, Le Meridien Commodore Beirut is a landmark in city filled with attractions.

Additional Facilities
Ballroom, jewellery shop, pub, access to Lifestyles Health Club and St. George Yacht Club

Rooms and Suites: 204
Restaurant: 3
Night Club: Yes
Coffee Shop: Yes
Conference Hall: Yes
Business Center: Yes
Swimming Pool: Yes
Health Club: Yes
A/C: Yes
Satellite TV; Yes
IDD Telephone: Yes
Mini Bar: Yes
Baby Sitter: Yes
24 Hours Service: Yes

Le Royal 
Category 5 stars
Address Dbayeh
Tel: 961 4 548000
Fax: 961 4 548000

Poised on the edge of Beirut, Le Royal Hotel is embraced
by the spectacular land, gardens, waterfall and seascapes
of the Mediterranean Sea. A five stars deluxe property
situated on a hill overlooking the sea, yachting Marina and
Beirut city.

Additional Facilities
Water Gate Aqua Park, SPA, apartments facilitated with kitchenette and private entrance and parking, bookshop, daylight ballroom with very advanced equipment.

Rooms and Suites: 231
Restaurant: 6
Night Club: Yes
Coffe Shop: 2
Conference Hall; Yes
Business Center: Yes
Swimming Pool: 3
Health Club: Yes
A/C: Yes
Satellite TV: Yes
IDD Telephone: Yes
Mini Bar: Yes
Baby Sitter: Yes
24 Hours Room Service: Yes

Metropolitan Palace 
Category: 5 Stars
Address: Sin el Fil
Tel: 961 1 496666
Fax: 961 1 502502

The Metropolitan Palace Hotel is the latest landmark in the
 heart of Beirut; a shopper's paradise and a thriving city of
business. It is only a few minutes drive from Beirut International
Airport, Broummana, Aley and Bhamdoun.

Additional Facilities:
Ballroom, business center in all rooms.

Rooms and Suites: 183
Restaurant: 3
Night Club: No
Coffee Shop: Yes
Conference Hall: 9
Business Center: Yes
Swimming Pool: Yes
Health Club: Yes
A/C: Yes
Satellite TV: Yes
IDD Telephone: Yes
Mini Bar: Yes
Baby Sitter: Yes
24 Hours Service: Yes

Category: 5 stars
Address: Rawche Beirut
Tel: 961 1 869666
Fax: 961 1 809326

Directly on the Mediterranean Sea, adjacent to the famous
Corniche, Movenpick Hotel & Resort is 10 km away from
Beirut International Airport and 3 minutes drive from the city
center district.

Additional Facilities
Limousine, taxi services, shopping center, jeweller, bookstore, car rental, laundry, wheel chair accessible to all areas, marinas & private beach, kids club, water sports activities.

Rooms: 293
Restaurant: 6
Night Club: Yes
Cooffee Shop: Yes
Conference Hall: Yes
Business Center: Yes
Swimming Pool: 4
Health Club: Yes
A/C: Yes
Satellite TV: Yes
IDD Telephone: Yes
Mini Bar: Yes
Baby Sitter: Yes
24 Hours Room Service: Yes

Mzaar Intercontinental  
Category: 5 Stars
Address: Ouyoun el Siman, Kfardebiane.
Tel: 961 3 777991
Fax: 961 9 340101

Situated just an hour's drive from Beirut, Mzaar Intercontinental
Resort boasts a truly beautiful setting in the highest part of the
breathtaking Mount Lebanon's mountain. Nestled in the heart
of the snow covered mountains, it is a place  where recreation
and relaxation combine to create harmony., comfort and total
well being.

Additional Facilities 
Banquet hall, bowling, squash court, games rooms, kids fun center,
piano bar, cinemas, shopping arcade, direct access to ski slopes.

Rooms and Restaurant: 131
Restaurant: 2
Night Club: Yes
Coffee Shop: Yes
Conference Hall: 3
Business Center: Yes
Swimming Pool: Yes
Health Club: Yes
A/C: Yes
Satellite TV: Yes
IDD Telephone: Yes
Mini Bar: Yes
Baby Sitter: Yes
24 Hours Room Service: Yes

Category: 5 stars
Address: Minet el Hosn
Tel: 961 1 369100
Fax: 961 1 369101

This national landmark hotel is situated overlooking the Mediterranean and just 2 minutes walk from the central business district.
Designed by American architect Edward Durrel Stone on a 5,000 m2 area and  inaugurated on December 1961.

Additional Facilities
Banquet hall, interactive TV in all rooms, Club
Intercontinental floors, free shuttle service, SPA.

Rooms and Suites: 462
Restaurant: 4
Night Club: Yes
Coffee Shop: Yes
Conference Hall: 7
Business Center: Yes
Swimming Pool: 2
Health Club: Yes
A/C: Yes
Satellite TV: Yes
IDD Telephone: Yes
Mini Bar: Yes
Baby Sitter: Yes
24 Hours Room Service: Yes

Printania Palace 
Category: 5 stars
Address: Broummana
Tel: 961 4 862000
Fax: 961 4 960415

Located in the heart of Brummana, a lively city active all year
round with restaurants, shops, business centers, leisure facilities
and night life. The Rintania Palace Hotel is about 20 km from
Beirut Internation Airport.

Additional Facilities 
Banquet hall, pub, children's recreational facilities

Rooms and Suites: 80
Restaurant: 3
Night Club: Yes
Coffee Shop: Yes
Conference Hall: Yes
Business Center: Yes
Swimming Pool: Yes
Health Club: No
A/C: Yes
Satellite TV: Yes
IDD Telephone: Yes
Mini Bar: Yes
Baby Sitter: Yes
24 Hours Room Service: Yes

Regency Palace
Category: 5 stars
Address: Adma
Tel: 961 9 854854
Fax: 961 9 854000

Ideally located on the prestigious residential hill of Adma
overlooking the beautiful bay of Jounieh. Regency Palace
Hotel is 1 km away from Casino du Liban and just a few
minutes from the select boutiques , movie theatres and
renowned nightclubs of Kaslik, the most animated areas
of Lebanon.

Additional Facilities Banquet Hall, ballroom, hairdressing salon, massage service, shops, beauty salon, theatre.

Rooms and Suites: 80
Restaurant: 3
Night Club: Yes
Coffee Shop: Yes
Conference Hall; Yes
Business Center: Yes
Swimming Pool: Yes
Health Club; Yes
A/C: Yes
Satellite TV: Yes
IDD  Telephone: Yes
Mini Bar: Yes
Baby Sitter: Yes
24 Hours Room Service: Yes

Safir Heliopolitan  
Category: 5 stars
Address: Rawche, Beirut
Tel: 961 1 810555
Fax: 961 1 814888

Situated in the heart of Beirut, one of the most beautiful and
vibrant parts of the city, superbly overlooking the Mediterranean
Sea and the adjacent business and shopping centres and just
minutes away from the Beirut International Airport.

Additional Facilities
Executive floor with private lounge, wireless internet in lobby lounge and executive floor, downtown shuttle service, express check in and check out.

Rooms and Suites: 144
Restaurant: 4
Night Club: No
Coffee Shop: Yes
Conference Hall: Yes
Business Center: Yes
Swimming Pool: Yes
Health Club: Yes
A/C: Yes
Satellite TV: Yes
IDD Telephone: Yes
Mini Bar: Yes
Baby Sitter: Yes
24 Hours Room Service: Yes

Sheraton Coral Beach  
Category: 5 stars
Address: Jnah, Beirut
Tel: 961 1 859000
Fax: 961 1 859026

Set against the backdrop of the breathtaking blue Mediterranean
Sea, the Sheraton Coral Hotel is a 6 minutes scenic drive from
Beirut Internation Airport.

Additional Facilities
Boutique hall, audio visual equipment, hairdresser, safety deposit
box, water sports, interacticve system (computer, DVD, CD, player
in all rooms), sea views rooms.

Rooms and Suites: 97
Restaurant: 4
Night Club: Yes
Coffee Shop: 1
Conference Hall: 2
Business Center: Yes
Swimming Pool: Yes
Health Club: Yes
A/C: Yes
Satellite TV: Yes
IDD Telephone: Yes
Mini Bar: Yes
Baby Sitter: No
24 Hours Room Service; Yes

Intercontinental Le Vendome  
Category: 5 stars
Address: Ain el Mreisseh, Beirut
Tel: 961 1 369280
Fax: 961 1 360169

This distinguished "Boutique" hotel has a breathtaking view
over the Mediterranean Sea, conveniently lies within short
distance of the business district and city center and surrounded
by the various shopping centre of Beirut.

Additional Facilities
Complimentary internet access, all rooms and suites include DVD, stereo system, daily replenishment of fruit platter and pastry tray, free transportation and access to La Plage, St Georges, Riviera and Golf Club of Lebanon beaches, free
transportation and access to the Health Club of the SPA of
Phoenicia Hotel.

Rooms and Suites: 73
Restaurant: 2
Night Club: No
Coffee Shop: No
Conference Hall: 3
Business Center: Yes
Swimming Pool: No
Health Club: No
A/C; Yes
Satellite TV: Yes
IDD Telephone: Yes
Mini Bar: Yes
Baby Sitter: Yes
24 Hours Room Service: Yes

Category: 4 stars
Address: Achrafieh, Beirut
Tel: 961 1 325736
Fax: 961 1 203940

Situated near mid-town and the business center, 5 km from the
Airport, Hotel Alexandre is the ideal place to stay, remaining
close to the heart of Beirut.

Additional Facilities
Hair Dryer in rooms, free shuttle service to and from St George
Yacht Club, piano bar, computer plugs in rooms.

Rooms and Suites: 193
Restaurant: 1
Night Club: No
Coffee Shop: No
Conference Hall: Yes
Business Center: Yes
Swimming Pool: No
Health Club: No
A/C: Yes
Satellite TV: Yes
IDD Telephone: Yes
Mini Bar: Yes
Baby Sitter: Yes
24 Hours Room Service: Yes

Category: 4 stars
Address: Maameltein, Jounieh
Tel: 961 9 936858
Fax: 961 9 936860

Situated in the heart of Jounieh Aquarium Hotel is
 conveniently located  close to popular shopping
areas attractive tourist sites, live night entertainment
places and just a short drive from the main city center.
Aquarium Hotel is the perfect haven for business people
and family holiday makers.

Additional Facilities
Restaurant open 24 hours, big screen TV in lobby, balcony
 rooms overlooking the Bay of Jounieh

Rooms and Suites: 43
Restaurant: 3
Night Club: Yes
Coffee Shop: Yes
Conference Hall: Yes
Business Center: No
Swimming Pool: Yes
Health Club: No
A/C:  Yes
Satellite TV: Yes
IDD Telephine: Yes
Mini Bar: Yes
Baby Sitter: Yes
24 Hours Room Service: Yes

Category: 4 stars
Address: Ain el Mreisseh, Beirut.
Tel: 961 1 373091
Fax: 961 1 373090

Bayview hotel is located in the heart of Beirut seaside promenade
giving you an unforgettable view. It is just 3 minutes from the main
commercial and banking area and 7 minutes away from Beirut
International Airport.

Additional Facilities
Balconies, safety deposit box, access to the Hard Rock Cafe Beirut
and beach access to the St. George Yachting Club or La Plage.

Rooms and Suites: 36
Restaurant: 2
Night Club: No
Coffee Shop: No
Conference Hall: Yes
Business Center: Yes
Swimming Pool: No
Health Club: No
A/C: Yes
Satellite TV: Yes
IDD Telephone: Yes
Mini Bar: Yes
Baby Sitter: Yes
24 Hours Room Service: Yes

Bella Riva 
Category: 4 Stars
Address: Rawche, Beirut
Tel; 961 1 7543434
Fax: 961 1 754349

Located between Rawche and Manara just steps from the beach
and 5 km far from Beirut International Airport. Bella Riva is at a
walking distance from Hamra shopping area.

Additional Facilities 
Banquet hall, access to the Sporting Club and St. Georges at
a special entrance fee, kitchenette in suites, laundry service, car rental.

Rooms and Suites: 58
Restaurant: 1
Night Club: No
Coffee Shop: Yes
Conference Hall; Yes
Business Center: Yes
Swimming Pool: No
Health Club: No
A/C: Yes
Satellite: TV: Yes
IDD Telephone: Yes
Mini Bar: Yes
Baby Sitter: Yes
24 Hours Room Service: Yes

Bellevue Palace 
Category : 4 Stars
Address: Broummana
Tel: 961 4 865000
Fax: 961 4 865000

The Bellevue Palace Hotel is a 25 minutes drive from Beirut,
perfectly located on Broumanna's ideal hill, dominating the
Lebanese coast and breathing the pine's fresh air. It is within
minutes of Broumanna's shopping and entertainment centres.

Additional Facilities
Banquet hall, piano bar, balcony room.

Rooms and Suites: 54
Restaurant: 3
Night Club: No
Coffee Shop: Yes
Conference Hall: Yes
Business Center: Yes
Swimming Pool: No
Health Club: No
A/C: Yes
Satellite TV: Yes
IDD Telephone: No
Mini Bar: Yes
Baby Sitter: Yes
24 Hours Room Service: Yes

Category: 4 Stars
Address: Verdun, Beirut
Tel: 961 1 351400
Fax: 961 1 351409

Situated in the exclusive and highly cosmopolitan Verdun area,
the Bristol Hotel is central to the city's business and commercial district.

Additional Facilities
Banquet hall, safety deposit box, lobby and bar.

Roooms and Suites: 153
Restaurant: 3
Night Club: No
Coffee Shop; Yes
Conference Hall: Yes
Business Center: Yes
Swimming Pool: No
Health Club: No
A/C: Yes
Satellite TV: Yes
IDD Telephone: Yes
Mini Bar: Yes
Baby Sitter: Yes
24 Hours Room Service: Yes

Cavalier (Le) 
Category: 4 Stars
Address: Hamra, Beirut
Tel: 961 1 353001
Fax: 961 1 347681

The Cavalier Hotel is centrally located within Beirut, the famous
shopping and commercial district of Beirut.

Additional Facilities
Access to St George Club and Riviera Beach at a special entrance
fee, lobby bar.

Rooms and Suites: 64
Restaurant: 1
Night Club: No
Coffee Shop; Yes
Conference Hall: Yes
Businbess Center: Yes
Swimming Pool: No
Health Club: No
A/C: Yes
Satellite TV: Yes
IDD Telephone: Yes
Mini Bar: Yes
Baby Sitter: Yes
24 Hours Room Service: Yes

Century Park 
Category: 4 Stars
Address: Kaslik, Jounieh
Tel: 961 9 219000
Fax: 961 9 213050

Located in the heart of Kaslik, reputed as one of Lebanon's
major business and fashionable districts with a variety of cafes,
restaurants and night entertainment.

Additional Facilities
Banquet hall, lobby lounge, exercise room, free access to a nearby
beach resort, rent a car desk.

Rooms and Suites: 69
Restaurant: 1
Night Club: Yes
Coffee Shop: No
Conference Hall: Yes
Business Center: Yes
Swimming Pool: No
Health Club: No
A/C: Yes
Satellite TV: Yes
IDD Telephone: Yes
Mini Bar: Yes
Baby Sitter: Yes
24 Hours Room Service: Yes

Category: 4 stars
Address: Rawche, Beirut
Tel: 961 1 798800
Fax: 961 1 798600

Located in the heart of Beirut, Duroy Hotel is just 5 km away
from Beirut International Airport and minutes away from shopping

Additional Facilities
Safety deposit box, internet services, balcony rooms, hairdresser,
 beauty salon.

Rooms and Suites: 49
Restaurant: 1
Night Club: No
Coffee Shop: No
Conference Hall: Yes
Business Center: No
Swimming Pool: No
Health Club: No
A/C: Yes
Satellite TV: Yes
IDD Telephone: Yes
Mini Bar: Yes
Baby Sitter: Yes
24 Hours Room Service: Yes

Florida Beach  
Category: 4 Stars
Address: Al Hirri, Chekka
Tel: 961 6 543909
Fax: 961 6 543999

Located at Al Herri, North Lebanon, famous for its beautiful,
clear sandy beach. Florida Beach hotel is 60 minutes away from
Beirut International Airport and 30 minutes from Casino du Liban.

Additional Facilities 
Banquet hall, mini bar, children playground, gift shop.

Rooms and Suites: 54
Restaurant: 5
Night Club: No
Coffee Shop: Yes
Conference Hall: Yes
Business Center: Yes
Swimming Pool: 3
Health Club: Yes
A/C: Yes
Satellite TV: Yes
IDD Telephon: Yes
Mini Bar: Yes
Baby Sitter: Yes
24 Hours Room Service: Yes

Four Points By Sheraton  
Category: 4 Stars
Address: Verdun, Beirut
Tel: 961 1 803804
Fax: 961 1 803802

Located in the heart of Beirut's most exclusive business,
shopping district, easily accessible from Beirut International
Airport and minutes away from downtown. Four Points By Sheraton Le Verdun
is a brand new new trendy and modern hotel, offering full quality
sevices in a casual and comfortable environment with distinctive attitude.

Additional Facilities 
Safety deposit box, internet facilities in all rooms and suites, fax, copies and printer in suites.

Rooms and Suites: 132
Restaurant: 2
Night Club: No
Coffee Shop: Yes
Conference Hall: Yes
Business Center: No
Swimming Pool: Yes
Health Club: Yes
A/C: Yes
Satellite TV: Yes
IDD Telephone: Yes
Mini Bar: Yes
Baby Sitter: Yes
24 Hours Room Service: Yes

Hazmieh Rotana 
Category: 4 Stars
Address: Hazmieh, Baabda
Tel; 961 5 458000
Fax: 961 5 958000

Strategically located on the Beirut Damascus main highway.
Hazmieh Rotana Hotel is about 10 minutes from Beirut International
Airport and a walking distance from Galaxy shopping and
 ntertainment Center.

Additional Facilities
Ballroom, safety deposit box, internet connection, minibar in rooms.

Rooms and Suites: 150
Restaurant: 2
Night Club: No
Coffee Shop: Yes
Conference Hall: Yes
Business Center; Yes
Swimming Pool: Yes
Health Club: Yes
A/C: Yes
Satellite TV: Yes
IDD Telephone: Yes
Mini Bar: Yes
Baby Sitter: Yes
24 Hours Room Service: Yes

Holiday Inn Dunes  
Category: 4 Stars
Address: Verdun, Beirut
Tel: 961 1 792111
Fax; 961 1 792333

The Holiday Inn Dunes is only 4 km from Beirut International
Airport. It is central to the city's business district, the National
Museum, the sports City and a host of unforgettable shopping
and entertainment activities.

Additional Facilities
Banquet Hall, piano bar, safety deposit box, internet facilities.

Rooms and Suites: 127
Restaurant: 1
Night Club: Yes
Coffee Shop: Ye
Conference Hall: 4
Business Center: Yes
Swimming Pool: No
Health Club: Yes
A/C: Yes
Satellite TV: Yes
IDD: Telephone: Yes
Mini Bar: Yes
Baby Sitter: Yes
24 Hours Room Service: Yes

Category: 4 Stars
Address; Verdun, Beirut
Tel: 961 1 801062
Fax: 961 1 860660

Located in the quiet residential area of Ain el Tineh - Verdun in the heart of Beirut, Legend Hotel is within a five minutes  drive from the city center, with a quick and easy access to the airport.

Additional Facilities
Laundry service, safty box, and hair dryer in rooms.

Rooms and Suites: 57
Restaurant; Yes
Night Club; No
Coffee Shop; Yes
Conference Hall: Yes
Business Center: Yes
Swimming Pool; No
Health Club: No
A/C; Yes
Satellite TV: Yes
IDD Telephone: Yes
Mini Bar: Yes
Baby Sitter: Yes
24 Hours Room Service; Yes

Le Patio
Category; 4 Stars
Address: 1144 Marfaa, Uruguay Street, Solidere, Beirut
Tel: 961 1 999209
Fax: 961 1 999210

Le Patio is ideally located in the heart of Beirut's shopping and business district, the Solidere, positioned in between Uruguay and Argentine Street. The hotel boasts views of the Solidere, Mountains and the Mediterranean Sea. Our boutique hotel is surrounded by the top signature shops, sizzling nightlife, restaurants and archaeological sites, all within a walking distance. 10 km or 10 minutes drive from Beirut International Airport.

Additional Facilities
Rooms and Suites: 41
Restaurant; Yes
Night Club: No
Coffee Shop: Yes
Conference Hall: No
Business Center: Yes
Swimming Pool: Yes
Health Club: Yes
A/C: Yes
Satellite TV: Yes
IDD Telephone: Yes
Mini Bar: Yes
Baby Sitter: Yes
Complimentary Overnight Shoeshine: Yes
Non Smoking Rooms; Yes
Express Laundry: Yes
Wheelchair Available: Yes
Baby cots available: Yes
In Room Massage available: Yes
24 Hour Room Service: Yes
24 Hour In Room Dining: Yes
24 Hour Laundry / Pressing: Yes

In your Room
Tea/Coffee Maker
Wireless Internet Access
Satellite Channels
Clock Radio
Down Duvets and Pillows
Turn down Service
DVD Player
Hair Dryer
Pillow Menu
Safety Deposit Box
Iron and Ironing Board
Mini Bar
Thick terry Bathrobes / Slippers
Complimentary Newspaper
Special Bathroom Amenities in Suites
Espresso Machine in Suites

Markaziah Monroe  
Category; 4 Stars
Adress: Downtown Beirut
Tel: 961 1 991200
Fax: 961 1 991211

In the heart of Beirut central district, Markaziah Monroe Hotel is
only 7 km from Beirut International Airport and walking distance
from major Solidere attraction and night life.

Additional Facilities
Safety deposit box, high speed internet access in rooms

Rooms and Suites; 81
Restaurant; 1
Night Club: No
Coffee Shop: Yes
Conference Hall:Yes
Business Centre; Yes
Swimming Pool: No
Health Club; No
A/C; Yes
Satellite TV: Yes
IDD Telephone; Yes
Mini Bar: Yes
Baby Sitter: Yes
24 Hours Room Service: Yes

Category; 4 Stars
Address: Hamra, Beirut
Tel: 961 1 340680
Fax: 961 1 342038

Mayflower's Hamra location convenient for the city,
 offers you walking access to the famous shopping centers,
restaurants, cafes and banks.

Additional facilities
Rooms and Suits: 85
Restaurant: 1
Night Club; No
Coffee Shop; No
Conference Hall: No
Business Centre: Yes
Swimming Pool; Yes
Health Club: No
A/C: Yes
Satellite TV: Yes
IDD Telephone: Yes
Mini Bar: Yes
Baby Sitter: No
24 Hours Room Service: Yes

Category: 4 Stars
Address: Manara, Beirut
Tel: 961 1 741824
Fax: 961 1 742577

Located on the front sea, in Chouran district, 7 km north of
Beirut Internatinal Airport, its location gives easy access to the
commercial district of Hamra as well as the main roads leading
to the north and south of the country and to mountains.

Additional Facilities
Tennis, piano bar.

Rooms and Suites: 84
Restaurant: 3
Night Club: No
Coffee Shop; Yes
Conference Hall: Yes
Business Center: Yes
Swimming Pool: Yes
Health Club: No
A/C: Yes
Satellite TV: Yes
IDD Telephone: Yes
Mini Bar: Yes
Baby Sitter: Yes
24 Hours Room Service: Yes

Category: 4 Stars
Address: Minet el Hosn, Beirut
Tel: 961 1 371122
Fax: 961 1 371112

Located in downtown Beirut and the business district, on
the seafront overlooking the magnificient St. George bay
and next to shopping centers, museums, night clubs and

Additional Facilities
Banquet hall, internet in all rooms, sea view rooms special
arrangement with Nautilius Health Club
for hotel guests.

Rooms and Suites: 110
Restaurant: 2
Night Club: Yes
Coffee Shop: Yes
Conference Hall: Yes
Business Center: Yes
Swimming Pool: Yes
Health Club: No
A/C: Yes
Satellite TV: Yes
IDD Telephone: Yes
Mini Bar: Yes
Baby Sitter: Yes
24 Hours Room Service: Yes

Palm Beach 
Category: 4 Stars
Address: Ain el Mreisseh Beirut
Tel: 961 1 372000
Fax: 961 1 368109

Located right in the heart of Beirut, overlooking the Mediterranean Sea and just a few minutes from the touristic, leisure and shopping districts of the capital and less than 10 minutes from Beirut International Airport.

Additional Facilities
Safety deposit box, fax machine and jacuzzis in suites and executive rooms, music system, big screen TV& DVD in presidential suites, access to St. Georges Yacht Club and La Plage at a special entrance fee.

Rooms and Suites: 87
Restaurant: 2
Night Club: No
Coffee Shop: Yes
Conference Hall: 3
Business Center: Yes
Swimming Pool; Yes
Health Club: No
A/C: Yes
Satellite TV: Yes
IDD Telephone: Yes
Mini Bar: Yes
Baby Sitter: Yes
24 Hours Room Service: Yes

Portemilio Suite Hotel 
Category: 4 Stars
Address: Kaslik, Jounieh
Tel: 961 9 933300
Fax: 961 9 931866

Lying on one of the first coasts of Lebanon, the Portemilio Suite
Hotel is a 15 minutes drive from Beirut International Airport and
within walking distance to Kaslik strip offering cinemas, restaurants,
 pubs, night club and shopping centers.

Additional Facilities
2 Executive floors, safety deposit box, direct access to the beach,
2 floodlit tennis courts (coach on request), basket ball court, jogging trail.

Rooms and Suites: 180
Restaurant: 4
Night Club: No
Coffee Shop: Yes
Conference Hall: 6
Business Center: Yes
Swimming Pool: Yes
Health Club: Yes
A/C: Yes
Satellite TV: Yes
IDD Telephone: Yes
Mini Bar: Yes
Baby Sitter; Yes
24 Hours Room Service: Yes

Quality Inn 
Category; 4 Stars
Address: Tripoli
Tel: 961 6 211255
Fax: 961 6 211277

Quality Inn Tripoli Hotel is located in the grounds of Rashid Karame
International Fair within walking distance of all the main business and
shopping districts in Tripoli.

Additional Facilities 
Banquet hall, safe box in rooms, piano bar, jacuzzis and kitchenette
in suites, tennis court, children play.

Rooms and Suites: 112
Restaurant: 3
Night Club: No
Coffee Shop: Yes
Conference Hall: Yes
Business Center: Yes
Swimming Pool: 2
Health Club: Yes
A/C: Yes
Satellite TV: Yes
IDD Tlelephone: Yes
Mini Bar: Yes
Baby Sitter: Yes
24 Hours Room Service: Yes

Radisson SAS Martinez  
Category: 4 Stars
Address: Ain el Mreisseh
Tel: 961 1 368111
Fax: 961 1 370333

Located in the center of the prestigious Ain el Mreisseh area,
just a short walk from the beach, the Martinez Hotel is the
 perfect venue for business and leisure travellers.

Additional Facilities
Internet connection from rooms, banquet hall, piano bar.

Rooms and Suites: 185
Restaurant: 1
Night Club: No
Coffee Shop: Yes
Conference Hall: Yes
Swimming Pool: Yes
Health Club: Yes
A/C: Yes
Satellite TV: Yes
IDD Telephone: Yes
Mini Bar: Yes
Baby Sitter: Yes
24 Hours Room Service: Yes

Category: 4 Stars
Loaction: Manara, Beirut
Tel: 961 1 373210
Fax: 961 1 365239

Directly facing the Mediterranean shores, the Riviera Hotel
is only 15 minutes away from Beirut International Airport,
and 5 minutes from the downtown area, business center and
shopping districts.

Additional Facilities
Banquet Hall, piano bar, water sports, diving school.

Rooms and Suites: 120
Restaurant: 1
Night Club; No
Conference Hall: Yes
Business Center: Yes
Swimming Pool: 2
Health Pool; Yes
A/C: Yes
IDD Telephone: Yes
Mini Bar: Yes
Baby Sitter: Yes
24 Hours Room Service: Yes

Category: 4 Stars
Address: Rawche, Beirut
Tel: 961 1 788488
Fax: 961 1 808595

The Searock Hotel is located just 5 km away from Beirut
International Airport and 5 minutes drive from the booming
city center. The hotel is situated close to the famous Rawche
Avenue and minutes away from Hamra shopping district and
the beach.

Additional Facilities
Safety deposit box, access tohealth and beach clubs, banquet
hall, mini bar in each room.

Rooms and Suites: 50
Restaurant; 2
Night Club: No
Coffee Shop: Yes
Conference Hall: Yes
Business Center: Yes
Swimming Pool; Yes
Health Club: No
A/C: Yes
Satellite TV: Yes
IDD Telephone: Yes
Mini Bar: Yes
Baby Sitter: Yes
24 Hours Room Service: Yes

Takaya Suites Hotel 
Category: 4 Stars
Address: Verdun, Beirut
Tel: 961 1 799799
Fax: 961 1 798798

Located in the heart of Beirut at Verdun, it is walking distance
from the major shopping and business districts, banks, restaurants,
cafes and several entertainment places are nearby.

Additional Facilities
Banquet hall, roof top swimming pool with jacuzzi and solarium.

 Rooms and Suites: 50
Restaurant: 1
Night Club: No
Coffee Shop: No
Conference Hall: Yes
Business Centre: No
Swimming Pool: Yes
Health Club: Yes
A/C: Yes
Satellite TV: Yes
IDD Telephone: Yes
Mini Bar: Yes
Baby Sitter: No
24 Hours Room Service: Yes

The Lancaster Beirut 
Category: 4 Stars
Address: Rawche, Beirut
Tel: 961 1 790810
Fax: 961 1 790820

Ideally located in the heart of Beirut, within a 10 minutes walk,
from the thriving business districts and city center. Close to the
seashore and the famous Rawche rock, and only 9 km from Beirut
International Airport. its central location makes it the ideal venue
for business, incentive and leisure travelers.

Additional facilities
Car rental, laundry service, safety box & hair dryer in rooms,
access to the St. George Yacht Club.

Rooms and Suites: 58
Restaurants: 2
Night Club: No
Coffee Shop: No
Conference Hall: 2
Business Center: Yes
Swimming Pool: No
Health Club: Yes
A/C: Yes
Satellite TV: Yes
IDD Telephone: Yes
Mini Bar: Yes
Baby Sitter: Yes
24 Hours Room Service: Yes

Top Madisson 
Category: 4 Stars
Address: Maameltein, Jounieh
Tel: 961 9 832066
Fax: 961 9 643907

30 km from Beirut International Airport and 3 km from Casino
du Liban, the Top Madisson Hotel is conveniently set in the bustle
 of Jounieh's shopping and business district.

Additional Facilities
Banquet, hall, shops, pub.

Rooms and Suites: 52
Restaurant: 2
Night Club: Yes
Coffee Shop: Yes
Conference Hall: 2
Business Center: Yes
Swimming Pool: No
Health Club: Yes
A/C: Yes
Satellite TV: Yes
IDD Telephone: Yes
Mini Bar: Yes
Baby Sitter: Yes
24 Hours Room Service: Yes

Category: 4 Stars
Address: Zouk Mikael
Tel: 961 9 215900
Fax: 961 9 215906

Conveniently located in Zouk Mikael, famous for its old souk,
Zoukotel is about 20 km from Beirut International Airport and
a walking distance from the shopping and night life district of Kaslik

Additional facilities
Banquet hall, private balcony, safe deposit boxes.

Rooms and Suites: 70
Restaurant: 2
Night Club: No
Coffee Shop: Yes
Conference Hall: Yes
Business Center: Yes
Swimming Pool: Yes
Health Club: Yes
A/C/: Yes
Satellite TV: Yes
IDD Telephone: Yes
Mini Bar: Yes
Baby Sitter: Yes
24 Hours Room Service: Yes

Bel Azur 
Category: 3 Stars
Address:  Jounieh
Tel: 961 9 932162
Fax: 961 9 937752

Located in Jounieh at 5 to 10 minutes from Casino du Liban and
the fun leisure centers of Kaslik and Maamelten

Additional Facilities
Water sports, direct access to the beach, private balcony to all rooms.

Rooms and Suites: 40
Restaurant: 2
Night Club: No
Coffee Shop: Yes
Conference Hall: No
Business Center: Yes
Swimming Pool: 2
Health Club: No
A/C: Yes
Satellite TV: Yes
IDD Telephone: No
Mini Bar: Yes
Baby Sitter: Yes
24 Hours Room Service: Yes

Category: 3 Stars
Address: Hamra, Beirut
Tel: 961 1 340600
Fax: 961 1 341777

15 minutes only from Beirut International Airport the Berkeley
Hotel is situated in Hamra district, in the heart of business and
shopping area of Beirut.

Additional Facilities
Express laundry service, internet access, hairdryer in rooms.

Rooms and Suites: 55
Restaurant: 1
Night Club: Yes
Coffee Shop: Yes
Conference Hall: Yes
Business Center: No
Swimming Pool: No
Health Club: No
A/C: Yes
Satellite TV: Yes
IDD Telephone: No
Mini Bar: Yes
Baby Sitter: Yes
24 Hours Room Service: Yes

Byblos Sur Mer 
Category; 3 Stars
Address: Byblos
Tel: 961 9 548000
Fax: 961 9 944859

Byblos Sur Mer is located in the ancient port of Byblos, on a slope overlooking the bay, facing the citadel and 15  minutes away from the  Casino du Liban.

Additional Facilities
Sauna room, beach, marina.

Rooms and Suites: 38
Restaurant: 2
Night Club: No
Coffee Shop: Yes
Conference Hal: Yes
Business Center; Yes
Swimming Pool: Yes
Health Club: No
A/C: Yes
Satellite TV: Yes
IDD Telephone: Yes
Mini Bar: No
Baby Sitter: Yes
24 Hours Room Service: Yes

Casa d' or 
Category; 3 Stars
Address; Hamra, Beirut
Tel: 961 1 746400
Fax; 961 1 347840

The Casa d'Or Hotel is located in the middle of Hamra district
of Beirut making it ideal for both business and leisure.

Additional Facilities
Non-smoking rooms

Rooms and Suites: 70
Restaurant; 1
Night Club: No
Coffee Shop: Yes
Conference Hall: Yes
Business Center; Yes
Swimming Pool: No
Health Club: No
A/C; Yes
Satellite TV: Yes
IDD Telephone: Yes
Mini Bar; No
Baby Sitter; Yes
24 Hours Room Service; No

Chbat Hotel 
Category; 3 Stars
Address: Bcharre
Tel: 961 6 672672
Fax; 961 6 71237

Located in Bcharre, and only 15 minutes from the most important skiing center in the East Mediterranean.

Additional Facilities
Pub, hiking and site seeing programs.

Rooms and Suites: 45
Restaurant: 1
Night Club: Yes
Coffee Shop: Yes
Conference Hall; Yes
Business Center; Yes
Swimming Pool: Yes
Health Club; Yes
A/C: No
Satellite TV: Yes
IDD Telephone: Yes
Mini Bar; Yes
Baby Sitter; Yes
24 Hours Room Service: No

Holiday Suites 
Category; 3 Stars
Address; Jounieh
Tel: 961 6 672672
Fax; 961 6 671217

Located in the heart of Jounieh commercial and banking center near shopping malls, theatres and arcades.

Additional Facilities
Hairdresser, beauty salon, access to the beach, free internet service.

Rooms and Suites; 45
Restaurant: 2
Night Club: No
Coffee Shop; Yes
Conference Hall; Yes
Business Center: Yes
Swimming Pool: Yes
Health Club: No
A/C: Yes
Satellite TV: Yes
IDD Telephone: Yes
Mini Bar: Yes
Baby Sitter; Yes
24 Hours Room Service; Yes

Le Crillion 
Category: 3 Stars
Address: Broummana
Tel; 961 4 865555
Fax: 961 4 865559

Located in the heart of the famous resort of Broummana only 20 minutes from Beirut City Center and International Airport, it is a walking distance from chic shops, art galleries, banks, restaurants, pubs, nighclubs and tennis courts.

Additional Facilities
Balcony, room, banquet hall

Rooms and Suites: 75
Restaurant; 2
Night Club: No
Coffee Shop: Yes
Conference Hall: Yes
Swimming Pool: Yes
Health Club: Yes
A/C; Yes
Satellite TV: Yes
IDD Telephone: Yes
Mini Bar: Yes
Baby Sitter: Yes
24 Hours Room Service: Yes

Marble Tower
Category: 3 Stars
Address: Hamra, Beirut
Tel: 961 1 346260
Fax: 961 1 346262

Located in the heart of shopping center in Hamra area.

Additional Facilities
Hairdresser, safety deposit box, pub.

Rooms and Suites; 60
Restaurant: 2
Night Club: No
Coffee Shop: Yes
Conference Hall; No
Business Center: Yes
Swimming Pool: No
Health Club: No
A/C: Yes
Satellite TV: Yes
IDD Telephone: Yes
Mini Bar: Yes
Baby Sitter: Yes
24 Hours Room Service: Yes

Rabiye Marine Hotel 
Category: 3 Stars
Address: Safra
Tel; 961 9 854777
Fax: 961 9 852806

Safra. Directly facing the Mediterranean Sea,  the Rabiye Marine Hotel is about 28 km from Beirut International Airport and 5 minutes drive from Casino du Liban.

Additional Facilities
Tennis and basketball courts, squash room, billiard, children's play ground.

Rooms and Suites: 48
Restaurant; 2
Night Club: No
Coffee Shop: Yes
Conference Hall: No
Business Center: No
Swimming Pool: 2
Health Club: Yes
A/C; Yes
Satellite TV: Yes
IDD Telephonne: Yes
Mini Bar: Yes
Baby Sitter: Yes
24 Hours Room Service: Yes

Restaurants in Beirut:

brgr co:   961 1 333511 Abdelwahab el Inglizi Street Monot Achrafieh Sunday - Wednesday 12 noon - 12 midnight; Thursday - Saturday 12 noon - 2 am Meal for two with drinks 80,000 LBP. Raising the burger with its outstanding ingredients, brgrs co's menu is to the point and chiefly others 4oz and 6oz burgers. Their iron chef also prepares daily burger specials and homemade desserts. Together with their unbeatable service team these boys are all set to rule the burger world.. From the plush leather banquettes to the burgers red and white checkered wax paper wrapping, Brgr co, housed in a former butcher shop, is pretty convincing as the real deal. Prime Black Angus beef is fresh ground daily is fresh ground daily and flame grilled in the open kitchen, making grand 4, 6 or 8oz burgers for which the only adornment is some salad and fries, or English cheddar if you want it. A  few basic sides and extras, and sinful desserts, complete the picture, but you should look out for the ritzy blackboard butcher specials. Big groups, take note of the party packs of 50-100 burgers, available with 24 hours notice.

Burger Bites 961 1 215424 St. Joseph University Street, Monot. Sunday - Thursday 11:30 a.m. - 12 midnight; Friday - Saturday 11:30 a.m.- 3 a.m.
The mini burger concept first started out as festival food, ideal for culture vultures on the go. Success led to this friendly base in Monot, where smaller sizes just mean you order four different flavors. The only burger place with a hangover cure concept open till 3 a.m. on Friday and Saturday. The bites range from Brie to Jalapeno, chicken to veggie, and for the committed you can order a burger boat of eight bites on a bed of waffle fries. It's designed for four people but anyone to eat their way through an entire boat alone earns the title of "Burger Boat Captain" and their picture posted on Facebook.

Burger Nation: 961 1 346646 Ground Floor Chayber Building Hamra Street Hamra. Daily 10 a.m. - 12 midnight. Meal for two with drinks 60,000 LBP.One of the many burger joints springing up and around town, Burger Nation's claim to fame is its top quality meat flown in chilled all the way from Australia.

Classic Burger Joint: 961 1 333606 Petro Trad Street Sodeco Achrafieh. Daily 12:30 p.m. - 11:30 p.m.Branches :Downtown, Jal el Dib, Zaitunay Bay . Child friendly. Valet Parking.
961 4 719011 Jal el Dib Highway Jal el Dib Daily 12 noon - 12 midnight Daily 12 noon - 12 midnight Meal for two with drinks  30,000 LBP. As they will tell you, hamburgers is all they do, CBJ looks like a typical burger joint and serves great burgers and fries with no additional items on the menu but a couple of sidelines and desserts. 'Hamburgers is all we do' is the tagline, and indeed there's not much room for anything else inside this dinky but charming hole in the wall venue, one of a strip of three (with Tomamatic and Shawarma Republic) that are under the same management on Petro Trad Street , CBJ, as it is known, is one of the most popular destinations for burgers in the city - clearly focusing on getting just one thing right has served them well. Choose from getting right has served them well. Choose from ten different burger filling flavours (from classic to honey mustard chicken to Mexican), add your extras, choose a side salad, and it all comes with coleslaw and fries. Job
done, and done well.

Chili's 961 337171 Zahhar Street, Achrafieh. Sunday - Thursday 12 noon 12 midnight, Friday - Saturday 12 noon - 1 a.m.
With its big friendly red chili logo known all over the world, Chili's Lebanon is a favorite with families seeking a no holds barred Tex Mex blowout, so much so that it has expanded into a restaurant and margarita bar in Gemmayzeh. The flavors are big and the portions are bigger, so come hungry. Even the starter nachos are bottomless, or you you could go for the southwestern rolls with smoked chicken, black beans, corn, jalapeno jack cheese, red peppers and spinach inside a flour tortilla. Fajitas, burgers, sandwiches, salads and grills...the list goes on, each dish more extravagant than the last. If you've got room for dessert, try the chocolate chip paradise pie.

Cow & Apple  961 1 740528 Hamra Street opposite Crepeaway Hamra. Daily 8 am - 12 midnight. Meal for two with drinks 80,000 LBP. Cow & Apple is a big modern restaurant with sense of humour who at the same time are devoted to the quality of their product, The site incorporates a butcher shop where the meat for the burgers hands to mature, and desserts are baked by the organic friendly people at Bread Republic.

Roadster Diner 961 577575 Crowne Plaza, Hamra Street, Hamra. Daily 11 am - 1 am. Branches: Achrafieh, Dora.
With its - surely ironic tagline  'there goes my heart' and American  diner decor, what you see with Roadster is what you get.The successful chain specializes in everything that's deep fried, breaded or covered in melted cheese, in an easygoing atmosphere. Let it all hang out with mozarella sticks, nachos with cheese, quesadillas, double cheeseburgers and oreo cheesecakes - you could go with plainer steak or chicken platters, really the point. In particular, it's a great place for hung over breakfasts the morning after the night before, with headache-busting pancakes and eggs. There is a low calorie menu, but why would you?

The Burger Bar 961 423324 Petro Trad Street, Sodeco, Achrafieh. Daily 11:30 a.m. 11:30 p.m. Outdoor seating.
Burger restaurants are probably more plentiful in Beirut than falafel or shawarma outlets; be they basic artery busters or grass fed gourmet versions, home grown chains cashing in on the craze are everywhere. One of these, The Burger Bar is a clean mid range option in a cute diner inspired setup that's all primary colors and shelves full of sauces. The straightforward menu offers good quality burgers, ranging from Gruyere to the hangout pleasing bacon or chicken with mozzarella versions, served simply with cups of excellent fries. It's on a quiet corner away from Sodeco's main drag, with a cluster of outside tables, making it a reliable choice from among the throng.

Al Mayass 961 1 215046 Trabaud Street Acharfieh Daily 12:30 noon - 4 pm, 7 pm - 12 midnight. Meal for two with wine 110,000 LBP Fantastic Armenian / Lebanese mezze and main dishes with a homemade Aleppo twist. The kefta in cherry sauce is unmissable and other stands out include the quail's egg with Basterma and sparrows in pomegranatew sauce. Don't be surprised if you are serenaded by the grimming guitar strumming in house musician and his moustache. Tip - he also takes requests. Spoken of in hushed tones by Armeniaphiles, Al Mayass (meaning roughly, 'the sound of leaves when stirred by a gentle breeze') is a Lebanese-Armenian operation of the very top drawer. The atmosphere is familiar rather then superior, with winding corridors and low ceilings with lots of dark wood and coloured glass, and later in the evening a roaming moustachioed troubadour strums cheerfully away. The lamb kefta with wild cherry sauce is legendary, as are the sparrows in pomegranate sauce, the basterma with quail's eggs and a whole host of other specialities. Let the friendly waiters guide your choices if you're unfamiliar with the menu, and be sure to book, as it gets packed really fast.

Apo 961 1 261789 Harboyan Center Block A Tiro Street Bourj Hammoud. Monday - Saturday 11 a.m. - 08:30 p.m. Sunday 11 a.m. - 03:00 p.m. Meal for two with drinks 30,000 LBP. A splendiferous Armenian joint down an unpromising backstreet, that surprises with sunny street side tables. Try a specialty "Stambouli" with herby kefta lashings of hummus and a fragrant vegetable  sauce heavy with green peppers, or a straight lamb kebab, to be happily picked over in the sunshine.
Helpfully signposted from the mainstreet near the bridge over the Beirut river, Apo is a splendiferous
American joint down an unpromising backstreet. In sunny months, the small ramshackle grill room with its grey upstairs seating spills out onto the pavements in the gentle shadows of crumbling old houses. It's a straight up meat grill with no pretentions, but one of the very best. Try a sandwich of chicken livers. hummus and chips, or a kefta wrap with spicy muhammara and onions. Or perhaps a specialty 'stambouli' with herby kefta, lashings of hummus and a fragrant vegetable sauce heavy with green peppers. You can probably manage two at a sitting, and you'll be glad you did.

Mayrig   961 1 572121 Mansour building 282 Pasteur Street Gemmayze. Daily 12 noon - 12 midnight Meal for two with drinks 100.000 LBP. The atmosphere of this widly popular restaurant is traditional Armenian and so is the food which draws the real Armenian crowd. Order a selection of spicy mezze and try the souberag - Armenian lasagna.
One of the first Armenian restaurants to set up in Beirut, bringing what was traditionally homemade family food for the Armenian community to a wider audience, and now one of the higher end options for this cuisine. It's still homemade with the kitchen staffed by Armenian mothers rather than professional cooks, and Mayrig's cosy interior and friendly service is popular with Lebanese, Armenians and tourists alike. Make sure to order some of the classic dishes sebeureg cheese pies, manteh meat parcels in yoghurt, fiery muhammara walnut paste - and look out for Armenian influenced versions of Lebanese dishes, like hummus with basterma smoked beef.

Garo  961 1 347603 Nehme Yafet Street off Hamra Street before Place Concorde. Meal for two with drinks 12,000 LBP. Boisterous flavors and service at this jolly sandwich joint that does its customers proud with daily specials home made soujouk and all round excellent fare at bargain prices. Prepare to leave stuffed with at least one more sandwich than you'd planned on.

Onno 961 3 801470 Aghabios Street facing Life Center Church Bourj Hammoud. Monday - Saturday 9:30 am - 9:30 pm. Meal for two with drinks 50,000 LBP. Don't judge the delicious restaurant by its grotty surroundings or by its occasionally obstreperous staff. It's all worth it for the peerless home cooked traditional menu including manteh, souberag and the famous cherry kebab. Don't be put off by the location in Bourj Hammoud's backstreets, or that Onno is found under a vast and unlovely flyover bridge. With its small, unprepossessingly beige upstairs dining room, Onno is host to some of the best Armenian food in Beirut - a must try for locals and visitors alike. Make sure to ask for itch (Armenian Tabbouleh), muhammara(spicy ground walnut paste, assafir (roasted sparrows in pommegranate sauce) and the legendary lamb kefta with wild cherry sauce and almonds, best washed down with a bottle of local red wine. Service is friendly and familiar, making Onno one of the best bets in the area if not the city.

Razz'zz 961 1 366246 Weaver's  Center Clemenceau Street Hamra. Tuesday - Sunday 12 noon - 1 am. Meal for two with drinks 100,000 LBP. Get your hands on some real tigan and varti beurek in a smashing ambience, offering two seated levels, a bar and a leafy garden. Adds an Aleppo twist to some authentically Armenian dishes, to enjoy with the regular musical entertainment.

Seza 961 1 570711 Patriarch Arida Street Mar Mikhael Tuesday - Sunday 12 noon - 4 p.m.; 8 p.m. - 12 midnight. Meal for two with drinks 90,000 LBP. Armenia gets a makeover at this boutique bistro where the surroundings are as tasteful and delicious as the food. Grandma Seza and her team serve pitch perfect creations like spicy mhammara teamed with classy mortadella. Like many Armenian restaurants in Beirut Seza is a family business, with a kitchen staffed by local women rather than professional chefs. The skills required to produce salt water pastries seu berag, kebebat meatand bulgur parcels and itch (Armenian Tabbouleh) have been handed down from mother to daughter for generations. Seza's chic bistro decoration reflects an elegant nostalgia in paper lace trims on shelves and the traditional cloth sacks used to wrap up a girl's dowry
hanging on the walls. Overall, it's a chic bistro atmosphere with prices to match, but the quality and variety of Armenian specialties you'll find here is exceptional. Also has a cute little terrace for summer.

Varouj   961 3 882933 Maracha Royal Street Bourj Hammoud. Monday - Saturday 12:30 p.m. - 04:30 p.m. ; 07:30 p.m. - 11:30 p.m. Meal for two with drinks 75,000 LBP Ticket away in the busy back streets of Bourj Hammoud, Varouj offers a large selection of traditional Armenian food in his small family restaurant which oozes offbeat allure. The stuffed hunting trophies on the walls are all part of the charm. With an air of Fawity towers crossed with The Adams Family, dining chez Varouj is wonderfully atmospheric (once you've tracked him down. Don't be afraid to ask for directions everyone knows the place). A small, dark room festooned with stuffed stag heads, this is the stage for his traditional Lebanese cooking, with a few Armenian specialties thrown in for good measure (frogs in Lemon and corlander, basterma, soujouk, makanek and so on). The eccentric service is part of the charm - there's no menu, and the owner might firmly tell you what he thinks you should or shouldn't be having. Just go with the flow, because the food is great.

Monk's 961 1 330030 Achrafieh Street, Achrafieh. Daily 12 noon - 3:45 p.m., 7;15 p.m. - 12 midnight
A craving for a good spicy meal in Beirut can undo many a gourmand, so thank goodness for Monks, whose menu is scattered with dishes that pack a chilli punch  - a refreshing change in a city whose palate tends to err on the side of caution. Behind a frontage of giant bamboo canes, Monk's (a sly reference to the strictures by which Thai Buddhist monks must live, which deny cooking) serves up a refreshing pan Asian (but predominantly Thai) selection of things like spicy shrimp with chilli and line, pad Thai red and green duck curries, squid with cashew nuts and soft shell tempura crab. A good wine list and sake round off a very tempting proposition.

Little China 961 1 215557 2nd floor, Monot Street, Monot. Daily 12 noon - 5 p.m., 7 p.m. - 11 p.m.
A sweet restaurant tucked away on a first floor overlooking the lower reaches of Monot, where as you climb the stairs an incongruous Japanese Maneki Neko cat waves you in. The service is charming and family team eager to please, each menu adorned with endearing motto 'customer is always emperor'. The menu isn't particularly innovative but a good middle range option on a restaurant scene generally starved of Asian and in particular genuinely decent Chinese restaurants.  All the main bases are covered with dumplings, sizzling dishes, and chicken with cashews, lemon, black beans, sweet and sour, curry or oyster sauce.

Shogun 961 1 796796 Dunes Center, Verdun Street, Verdun. Daily 12 noon - 4 p.m., 8 p.m. - 12 midnight. Branches: Downtown
One of the better venues for Asian food in the city, Shogun is a popular restaurant in an area that's otherwise rather short of interesting options. It has two comprehensive menus, both Chinese and Japanese, which while a slightly unorthodox combination should satisfy the seafood cravings of anyone who's overdosed on hummus and chips. Scallops, duck, lobster, shrimps, and other specialties like shark's fin soup are available from the Chinese kitchen, while on the Japanese side is sushi, tempura, noodles and grill, with occasional seasonal additions of rarer fish and seafood like unagi on Japanese Eel Day, so make sure to ask for what's new.

Amaretti 961 5 453853 Mar Takla Square Hazmieh. Daily 7 p.m - 12 noon Meal for two with drinks 25,000 LBP. Amaretti has been running restaurant, pastry and coffe shop and catering centre since 1996. Go for their Danish pastries, omelettes or sandwiches for breakfast. Their lunch menu includes daily specials.

Bali Balima  961 1 971097 Intabli Fountain, Beirut Souks, Downtown. Daily 9 a.m. - 10 p.m. Meal for two with drinks 60,000 LBP Take a break from shopping in the Beirut Souks at this dinky little corner cafe/bar that has a plum position next to the Intabli fountain. Their menu includes sandwiches and waffles, with new dishes every month.
In the heart of the Souks, with its tables clustered around the calm pool of the Intabli fountain, Bali Balima's menu and layout aims to be all things to all people. On one side of the fountain lies the cafe on the other side the bar, with the focus on outside tables. You can start the in the morning with Lebanese manouche or a range of breakfast formulate or a la carte, and have a light lunch or snack of gaufres, sorbets, sandwiches or salads. More substantial fare is provided by the chief's selection - things linguini bolognaise, goat's cheese salad or asparagus soup - and in the evenings the bar is primed and ready and ready to go.

Cafe des Lettres 961 1 420217 Centre Culturel Francais, Damascus Road, Mathaf. Monday - Friday 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. Outdoor seating.
Serving Beirut's finest Francophones, Francophiles and ex-pat Frenchmen, the cafe of the Institut Francais and the French embassy is a little special - not least because you need your passport to get in. Once past the unlovely concrete entrance and metal detector, the cafe is the first thing you'll pass on your left - a calm, leafy space looking out at the building's courtyard and art gallery. Classic French dishes predominate, like brochettes de poulet aux epices, steak with dauphinoise potatoes or saumon roti au miel, and desserts are provided by the excellent La Mie Doree bakery in Achrafieh - try La  Vie en Rose, a fluffy pink angel cake.

Cafe Hamra 961 1 348999 Hamra street opposite Crowne Plaza Hotel Hamra. Sunday - Thursday 9 a. m. - 12:30 a. m., Friday - Saturday 9 a.m. - 1 a.m. Meal for two with drinks 40,000 LBP Cafe Hamra is a great fusion of American '50s diner and Lebanese lounge. Snacks on hummus and pull at your teffehteyn in between pinball machines, vinyland help yourself caskets of paperbacks books we particularly love the massive salad bar for 17,000 LBP a head. There is also a fabulous big terrace at the back.
Cafe M 961 1 999787 Ayas sector, Beirut souks, Downtown. Daily 10 a.m. - 12 midnight. Meal for two with drinks 60,000 LBP. Cafe M has a charming terrace and a sparkling blue white green interior. The menu is as brisk and fresh as its contents, light meals, locally sourced with a great emphasis on clever, colourful plates of vegetables, salads and chesss, designed for people on the move to taste and share.

Caribou Coffee 961 1 743436 Takla building Hamra Street.Daily 07:30 a.m. - 12:30 noon. Meal for two with drinks 25,000 LBP 70,000 LBP. A delightful and inventive atelier/coffee shop stuffed with goodies, that frequently holds classes and workshops or you can just head straight to the boutique cafe for Lebanese specialties plat du jour light sandwiches and salads. Delicious tea and cakes as well and ice cream by Oslo.

Cocoa & Co 961 323668, Du Liban Street, Tabaris. Daily 9:30 a.m.- 7 p.m.
Hala Audi Beydoun's Cocoa & Co started out as a bakery, then grew up to become a pastel pretty boutique cafe that is a favorite haunt of Achrafieh mothers and their broods, and that also provides WiFi and study tables for passing students. It's a charming venue in which to enjoy Hala's high quality handmade and beautifully designed treats like brownies, pop sticks, butterfly biscuits and themed cupcakes. The designs and  and ideas change with the seasons, but it's also a good place to think of for edible special occasion gifts, as the hand drawn decorated cookies for a baby girl or boy, or the elaborate animal or character cakes are intricate and charming.

Feuillantine 961 1 216597 Monot Street, Monot, Achrafieh. Monday - Wednesday 09:30 a.m. - 07:00 p.m. Thursday - Saturday 09:30 a.m. - late. Meal for two with drinks 70,000 LBPA delightful and inventive atelier / coffee shop stuffed with goodies that frequently holds classes and workshops. Or you can just head straight to the boutique cafe for Lebanese specialties, plat du jour, light sandwiches and ice cream by Oslo.

Food Inc 961 1 445671 Gemayel Building, Youssef Sursock Street, facing St George's hodpital, Achrafieh. Monday - Friday 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. Saturday 7 a.m. - 2 p.m. Meal for two 20,000 LBP. A better class of snack shop, where everything is homemade and naturally healthy. Check out the cheap and cheerful pastas, salads, brownies and cookies.

From The Tree 961 1 982981 Souk al Arwam. Beirut Souks, Downtown. Monday Thursday 10:00 a.m. 10:00 p.m. Friday - Sunday 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m. Smoothies for two 15,000 LBP. This healthy cafe offers great frozen yoghurt and yoghurt smoothies. It also has a ranged fresh juices, including special detox recieps.

Gou 961 1 200765 Charles Malek Avenue, St Nicholas, Achrafieh. Daily 10: 00 a.m. - 11:30 p.m. Meal for two with drinks 60,000 LBP. Tea room and boutique with a fantastic seasonal menu inspired by countries around the globe, covering patisserie breakfast and high teas and a whole menujust for tea flavors. Non smoking plolicy, friendly staff, free wifiand decent background music  have made this a firm neighborhood favorite.

Green Carrot 961 1 333081 Abdel Wahab el Inglisi Street, Monot, Achrafieh. Daily 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 a.m. Giant salad 14,000 LBP - 19,000. Being healthy has never been so much fun. Build your own salads in this light and airy cafe, choosing from a fantastic selection and unlimited toppings, plus bread, meat, fish and dressings. There are also freshly blended soups, salad wraps, tonic juices and desserts.

Haagen Dazs Cafe 961 1 999180 Souk el Jamil, Beirut Souks, Downtown. Daily 10:00 a.m. 01:00 a.m. Fondue for four 34,000 LBP World class ice cream, hot and cold drinks and tons of delicious snacks from the famous chain. Their sinful chocolate fondue includes 17 different flavours of ice cream, fresh fruit, biscuits and crystallised nuts around a bowl of gently steaming liquid chocolate. Not for the faint hearted.

Kitsch 961 1 575075 Gouraud Street, Gemmayzeh, Monday - Saturday 08:00 a.m - 09:00 p.m. - Sunday 10:00 a.m.- 09:00 p.m. Meal for two with drinks 40,000 LBP. This boutique cafe located in an old building allows you to shop for unique fashion pieces while sampling some tasty treats from their in-house menu. Coffee, cookies and cupcakes all go excellently with retail therapy.

Le 8ieme 961 1 378018 1st floor, Maktabi building Rome Street, Clemenceau. Monday - Saturday 09:00 a.m. - 08:00 p.m. Meal for two with soft drinks 40,000 LBP. An elegant concept store with a luxurious spa upstairs and refined tea cafe downstairs; you will be drawn in by the ranks of Mariage Freres  boxes and the prospect of having your post beauty treatment tea and cake in a stylish atmosphere of muted colours and spindly legged furniture. You don't have to have facial to be allowed tea, of course.

Sugar 'n' lace 961 1 202564 Selim Bustros Street, facing Micado, Achrafieh,. Monday - Saturday 08:00 a.m. - 07:00 p.m. Cupcakes and coffee for two 18,000 LBP An adorable little tea shop and safe that peeks out on the street from behind white lace curtains, inviting you in to try their teas, patisserie and cupcakes.

Far Eastern
Kampai 961 1 999093 Ground Floor, Paladium Building, Minet el Hosn. Daily 12:30 p.m. 11:30 p.m. Meal for two with drinks 115,000 LBP. Sophisticated Asian fusion from well travelled chef Robert Muriel, who has produced a delectable international menu of bold dishes. There is also a sushi bar.

Kopanjang 961 4 444501 CCI Building Restaurant Street, Antelias. Monday - Saturday 12 noon - 12 midnight Meal for two with drinks 90,000 LBP. A red and gold Thai restaurant with great attitude and service. They serve delicious appretizers such as shrimp cakes with plum sauce, though the mains are likely to disappoint anyone looking for an authentic spicy "Thai Kick".

Shanghai Cuisine 961 1 360399 Phoenicia Street, Ain el Mreisseh, Tuesday - Sunday 11:00 a.m. 12 midnight. Meal for two with drinks 75,000 LBP. Chef Dory Abou Chakra comes from over 20 years experience  of cooking with Chinese chefs in Boston, USA and is determined to put his new venture on the map by marking out his kitchen from what usually passes for Chinese food in Beirut.

Wok Box 961 1 333776 Sassine Square, Achrafieh. Daily 11:00 a.m 12 midnight Meal for two with drinks 35,000 LBP. A clean and bright new branch of the Canadian franchise, offering 10 different Asian cuisine in standard or sumo sized boxes from jungle curry to pad thai, We particularly like the larger 'sharable' plates like lemongrass curry chicken. Eat in, take away and delivery

Wok it 961 1 364334 Bliss Street, Hamra. Daily 10:00 a.m. 12 midnight. Meal for two with drinks 20,000 LBP A dynamic express concept serving Asian fast food (the 5 minute meal) that combine fresh and healthy ingredients. Pick your base of rice noodles or vegetables, then your toppics and sauces and zoom onwards with your day.

Al Mandaloun Cafe 961 1 321600 Charles Malek, Avenue, Achrafieh. Daily 8 a.m. - 1 a.m.
Frequented by Achrafieh's high society, Al Mandaloun Cafe (not to be confused with the club in Mar Mikhael from the same management) is an international one stop cafe, restaurant, patisserie, boutique and bakery with a brunch, a salad bar that's also a breakfast bar, and free WiFi. The colorful interior of the square stone house boasts all warm tones and comfy chairs and there's a big terrace, all the better for people watching. It's quite pricey and tends to be populated by lots of shiny haired shopaholics in big sunglasses, but the ciabatta sandwiches or plat du jour are no worse for that.

Balima 961 1 985295 Mkhallsiye Street, Saifi Village. Daily 8 a.m. - 12 midnight . Outdoor seating
Balima commands a prime position on the central square of the sleekly renovated Saifi Village area, which is a self-styled Quartier des Arts full of pretty boutiques and drop dead gorgeous residential homes. The cafe is as trendy as you'd expect given the surroundings, with avant garde interior and outside tables that are a perfect place to   people to watch in this unusually  quiet and calm corner of central Beirut. There's an involved tea menu with names like Prince Vladimir and Safa wa Hana, and the kitchen turns out fine French classics like duck confit and coq au vin, smoked duck lentil salad and ham quiche.

Balthus 961 1 371077 Ghandour Building, Minet el Hosn Daily 12 noon - 3;30 p.m., 8 p.m. - 10;30 p.m.
One of the grand restaurants that are bywords, for the glamour of the area, Balthus comes with a tinge of cigar smoke. Reached via a lift and with a surprisingly unfussy interior of leather banquettes and slightly battered mirrors and green paint, the French brasserie menu starts with things like frogs legs a la Provencale, pan-fried duck foie gras with grapes and aubergines millefeuille. There are omelettes, fish a cep mushroom risotto, daily dishes of things like bouillabaisse or shrimps with beurre blanc, and more interesting riffs than usual on the meat selection - try cheeks with caramelised pears. Desserts show care and attention too - it's hard to resist apple French toast or honey and orange creme brulee.

Burgundy 961 1 999820 752 Gouraud Street, Saifi Village. Monday - Friday 12 noon - 4 p.m.,  8 p.m. - 12 midnight; Saturday 8 p.m. - 12 midnight
Karl Asseily and Ziad Mouawad's wine bar and boutique dedicated to fine French wines with an emphasis on the grands vins of the Bourgogne, has achieved cult status since its opening in 2010. Past the entrance, with its range of wines for sale, is the arched ceiling and industrial chic lamps that have been featured in design magazines worldwide. Neither the wine nor the international menu come cheap, but they are both of exceptional quality. The kitchen crew trained with some of Paris and Lyon's finest, and their renderings of lobster, wagyu beef, foie gras, simple salads and more are elegant, surprising and modern. A treat worth saving up for.

Centrale 961 1 575858 Mar Maroun Street, Saifi Village. Daily 8 p.m. - 12:30 a.m. Outdoor seating. Rooftop seating.
You can't mention Centrale without  reference to  its rock star architect credentials; Bernard Khoury brought the old building back to life in 2001, and the modernist metal tunnel of a bar upstairs, reached by a lift complete with leather sofas, is a definite after dinner draw. The downstairs restaurant has a cozy interior and lovely outdoor terrace crowded with jasmine and gardens plants. The menu is sophisticated modern French, with dishes like seared tuna with foie gras creme and prawns with peas and bacon, that don't always live up to their ambition but Centrale is still one of the more beautiful and interesting places to eat in central Beirut.

Chez Jean Claude  961 1 201190 Gabriel Khabbaz Street, facing Bustros Palace, Achrafieh. Monday - Friday 12:30 p.m. - 04:00 p.m. 08:30 p.m. - 12 midnight. Meal for two without drinks 250,000 LBP. Chez Jean Claude could easily be overlooked on its pretty corner opposite the Bustros palace in Achrafieh but it's very worth seeking out. Jean Claude cooks a new menu every day which the waiters will announce at your table and his elegant wife Sophie tours the room during the evening. Big bold generous French dishes will leave you very well fed indeed. There is nothing much to announce the existence of  Chez Jean Claude, which could easily be overlooked on its petty corner opposite the venerable Bustros palace.  But word gets around and the quiet charm of the owners and their mutable menu draws in a a steady stream of urbane patrons. Jean Claude's menu of the day is annouced by the servers directly at the table, and his elegant wife Sophie tours the small space during the evening. The food - things like lentil salad with foie gras, smoked salmon with walnut sauce, scallops in white wine sauce, veal with crispy potatoes, and creme brulee - is big, enthusiastic and absolutely spot on.

Chez Sophie 961 1 566991 Armenia Street, Mar Mikhael. Tuesday - Sunday 12:30 p.m.02:45 p.m., 08:00 p.m. - 10:45  p.m.(closes one month in summer)
Enter the charming, gracious doors of Chez Sophie, and exquisitely polite staff flutter decorously at your elbow, always poised to top up your water or bread basket.Beneath the old Mar Mikhael 150 year old traditional house with an arched stone ceiling overlooking a strictly classically refined interior , the menu tries hard to live up to its zeros. A cluster of frog legs in breadcrumbs were laid over a satisfying spuma of mashed potatoes and draped in cream of parsley sauce - the flesh was tender and succulent. The menu changes every five weeks but one thing that remains the same and very popular is their joue de boeuf with truffle potato mousse and rosemary.

Cocteau  961 1 616617 Ground Floor, Palladium, Park Avenue, Minet el Hosn. Daily 12 noon - 3 p.m., 8 p.m. - 11 p.m.
Long a favourite of upper class residents of Achrafieh at its old location in Sodeco, in 2012 Cocteau relocated  with much fanfare ans panache to a new venue in Minet el Hosn, where it looks out onto one of the broad avenues lined with shops full of expensive fripperies. And its dramatic new home with its soaring high ceiling suits the restaurant's high class French cuisine perfectly, seemingly always roaring with men in suits and the women they dine, and occasionally their children.   The menu is not overly long or complex, but the dishes rich and beautifully executed - highly recommended is their weekly bouillabaisse fish soup, expensive but utterly memorable.

Couqley 961 1 442678 The Alleyway, Gemmayzeh, Daily 12 noon - 4 p.m. 8 p.m. - 11:30 p.m. Outdoor seating
The chichi renovated Alleyway is a little  bit of a Parisian escape from Gemmayzeh's often roaring main street and its signature restaurant is perennially popular. Chef Alexis Couquelet has lavishly recreated a French bistro atmosphere, with everything from red and white checked napkins to gilt mirrors and wooden banquettes. The menu is in keeping, with everything from onion soup and foie gras to goat's cheese salad and steak frites, but the rendition is classy with a twist rather than dull, and there's a great range of wines by the glass, carafe or bottle. Weekends are all about brunch, with steak tartare, waffles, eggs benedict, Bloody Marys and more.

Ecafe Sursock   961 1 333240, 198 Sursock Street, Achrafieh. Daily 8 a.m. - 12 midnight.
Ecafe's glassy surfaces, pyramids of fruit, porthole on the kitchen door, and pianist tinkling merrily on the kitchen door, and pianist tinkling merrily away in the corner put one in mind of the better class of ocean liner. The association isn't entirely superfluous, as this colorful little restaurant with its terrace touching the St Nicholas Stairs is an offspring of Edde Sands' original Byblos cafe. The menu is confined cafe-style to one side of a single sheet, and focuses on perfecting classic French inspired fare with brisk and friendly service. We liked chunky shavings of wild smoked salmon with plenty of brown bread and sour cream, and a black angus beef fillet with fricasseed potatoes and steamed asparagus.

La Table d'Alfred 961 1 203036 Sursock Street, Achrafieh. Monday - Friday12 noon - 3 p.m., 8 p.m. - 12 midnight; Saturday 8 p.m. - 12 midnight.
The grand old classic French venue in Achrafieh, with bar, lounge and restaurant. In an old house down a quiet side street, the restaurateurs have taken full advantage of the elegant bare brickwork, which is hung with oil paintings and offset by glittering white cloths and gleaming crockery and glassware. The restaurant menu starts with, for example, potato gnocchi with mushrooms, truffle mousse and calamari. Fish might be sea bass thermidor, with cauliflower cream, spinach and champagne sauce, and meat a wagyu fillet with cream of celery and risotto. Dessert could be a pistachio panna cotta or roast bananas, all perfectly executed.

Le Grey 961 218900 du Liban Street, Tabaris, Achrafieh. Monday - Saturday 09:30 p.m. - late. Meal for two with bottle of wine 200,000 LBP International haute cuisine with French  touch The foie gras starter is a master piece and main dishes are beautifully complimented by the sauces.

L'eau a la Bouche  961 1 328004 Liban Street, Tabaris Achrafieh. Daily 9 a.m. - 12 midnight
Sweet and friendly French bistro with a cozy ambience - lots of warm wooden booths and framed vintage photographs - that's a welcome supplement to the upscale venues of Liban street and its surroundings. The cozy space seats around 35, with a rear bar and waiting area, and is open from breakfast onwards. So a day  here could start with halloum, labneh or an omelette with bacon, cheese or mushrooms, then at lunch move on to Bourgogne sausage or salmon tartare. Salads are named after French provinces, like the Auxerroise with mushrooms, avocado, orange and cherry tomatoes, and there's a good range of pastas, burgers, sandwiches and steaks.

Goutons Voir 961 1 333644 32, Abdel Wahab el Inglisi Street, Achrafieh. Daily 12 noon - 03:30 p.m., 08:00 p.m. - 11:30 p.m. Meal for two with drinks 90,000 LBP A gem bright little outfit in Abdel Wahab Street that tweaks the tails of the area's more serious minded establishments. We love the bold spots of color, the recipes pinned up for punters to take home, and the compact menu with its focus on plats du jour, classic European dishes and formules du jour.

Jean, Charles 961 71 870853 Sawaya Building, Adib Ishac Street, before Hotel Alexandre, Achrafieh. Monday - Friday 09:00 a.m. - 07:00 p.m. Meal for two with drinks 40,000 LBP. A dinky charcuterie and fromagerie that boasts 80 different cheeses and 60 different types of meat and the owner pledges to order in any specialty you're prepared to to pay for. In summer book a space on their three meters long 12 person outside table 8,000 LBP then buy your cold cuts, bread and wine and enjoy your meal on the spot.
Squirreled away on the far side of Sassine's slopes, Jean, Charles is a gem well worth seeking out. Part deli, part casual cafe, the delightful proprietor is full of the fruits of his years in France; top quality and hard to find imported wines, sauces, charcuterie, cheese and and chocolate to get any gourmet's juices flowing. In addition to the 80 different cheeses and 60 different meats on offer, Jean, Charles pledges to order in any specialty you're prepared to pay for. The star of the show is the big communal table on the terrace outside the tiny grocery, where you can snaffle down your loot or cheat with a basic sandwich and espresso.

Julia's 961 1 219539 Abdel Wahab el Inglizi Street, Monot Achrafieh. Daily 11:00 a.m. - 12 midnight. Meal for two with wine 150,000 LBP. The menu is international but French cuisine predominates. Perfect steaks fine wines and an inviting patio all add up to a tempting meal ticket.
Nestled into an old building set back from the street, Julia's is unflashy but full of pleasant surprises. Established nine years ago, the restaurant has hit on a successful formula of a romantically shabby atmosphere crossed with a sterling menu of French classics and international dishes. The elegantly dim main room with its dark wood and authentically distressed paint gives onto the small front terrace, which is flanked by two raised, glassed in eyries for private parties. A meal might take in charcoal grilled crevettes with avocado, salmon with ginger and noodles and veal in a mushroom and cream sauce.

Le Petit Gris 961 1 443737 Nahr Ibrahim Street, Saifi. Monday 12:30 p.m. 3;30 p.m. Tuesday - Sunday 12;30 p.m.- 3;30 p.m., 8;30 p.m. 12 midnight.
Please, take your time' were the words of our waiter as he set down the appetisers. Le Petit Gris exudes warmth - from the decor that seems carved from its concrete surroundings to the water who guided us through the menu. The establishment is clearly devoted to providing a dining experience worth having. Try inh different flavourful sauces served in an edible baked shell,. We love the intimate interior,  decorated with tiles salvaged from an old neighborhood coffeehouse. You'll find yourself feeling as if you've taken  part in an evening eating together with the others in the room - without being elbow to elbow.

Le Rouge 961 1 442366 Gouraud Street, Gemmayzeh. and Makdessi Street, Hamra. Monday - Saturday 08:00 a.m. - 12 midnight Sunday 09:00 a.m. 12 midnight Meal for two with wine 75,000 LBP. Cozy immensely popular French bistro with a varied menu. Particular standouts are the tenderloin on rocca and Pizza Panzarote, with a delectable chocolate fondant to finish up with.. Le Rouge is a bustling casual bistro group and child friendly that's been a firm local favourite since it opened in 2004. The cozy space (it only seats 33) is all bare brick, polished wood, red sofas and  curly lettering. Like any good bistro, they're as happy to host tables of punters that just want to have a coffee as they are people going  for a full meal.  The menu doesn't stick too firmly to its chic French image, but also wider Mediterranean influences in the aubergine roulade. Asian in the Shanghai chicken, American in the burgers and Italian in the smoked salmon pizza.

Momo at the Souks 961 999767 Beirut Souks, Downtown. Cafe daily 12:30 p.m. - 11:30 p.m. Restaurant Monday - Saturday 12:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.; 8 p.m. - 2 a.m.Sunday 12 p.m. - 2 a.m. kitchen closes at 11:30 p.m.
Legendary restaurant Mourad Mazouz has had big hits in Paris and London with his Franco Moroccan fusion cuisine and chic venues that attract the glamorous set, and Momo at the Souks is no different . The beautiful restaurant, garden and terrace are a symphony of modern lines and oriental patterns in which to sample clever inventions like a Carpaccio of scallops with redcurrant jelly and harissa remoulade, duck liver with quince chutney or aubergine caviar. Mains feature tajines grill and beef and fish French and Moroccan styles, and the sweet course is just as inventive. Stick around after your meal for the party set, for whom Momo is a regular haunt.

S.T.A.Y. 961 1 999757 Beirut Souks, Downtown. Daily 12:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m., 8 p.m. - 11;30 p.m.Yannick Alleno's CV positively twinkles with Michelin stars and it's not hard to see why at his Simple Table concept . The vast, gleaming empire is reached by lift and spread over two opulent floors and two terraces; bar above, restaurant below. In the dining area there's a pastry library where you can watch the dedicated chefs piping profiteroles, and the signature communal table that seats around ten, offering customized set menus of Allenos's bold modern French cookery paired with magnums of wine. A la carte, specialities include a lobster tart with baby spinach salad, black cod in seaweed butter with clams and duck with buttered tagliatelle.

Stove 961 1 333270 Monot Street, Achrafieh. Monday - Saturday 12 noon - 04:00 p.m., 08:30 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. Meal for two with drinks 160,000 LBP, It's almost impossible to fault Stove's inventive yet grounded French menu, military efficiency and laid back calm. The daring salmon with chorizo and perfectly cooked pork fillet with apples are both outstanding mains.Stove has cosy rooms around an open kitchen, a beautiful terrace for summer and a back room full of bottles of wine. Everything is done simply, but well; various big, striking food themed paintings are the only design conversation piece. Stove trusts its customers to have a good time on their own, and concentrates on serving up a down to earth menu of elegant, sophisticated, superb French food. You might encounter pan fried forest mushroom with parsley or pumpkin soup, caramelised pork fillet or salmon in a cream sauce with leeks, tomato and chorizo, and for dessert light sorbets or a pistachio delice with raspberry sauce.

Tartare 961 1 322477 Ground Floor, Rbeiz Building, Monot Street, Achrafieh. Monday - Saturday 12:30 p.m. - 3 p.m. 8 p.m. - 11:30 p.m.Closed May - September
This tiny restaurant just manages to slot into the line of shop fronts in Monot, a long narrow space painted impeccable white, with modern dark cubes of furniture and a semi open kitchen behind a plate glass window. Basing your menu around tartare could be an unhelpful gimmick but here it's pulled off with gracious understatement that does service to the pleasures of chopped raw ingredients. Well preserved circles of tartare of beef, tomato, tuna and the like are served with toast, crisps and salad, managing to make a virtue of simplicity.  They' re supplemented by Black Anglus beef fillet, confit de canard, loup de mer as well other substantial main dishes.

Cafe Sho  961 1 424051 304 Monot Street, Achrafieh. Daily restaurant 12 noon - 11:00 p.m. cafe 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 midnight. Meal for two with wine 60,000 LBP A unique Asian menu the ginger chicken and sweet chilli fish with ratatouille are well worth sampling as well as is the piquant ginger creme brulee to finish up with. Beloved by Achrafieh's liberal intelligentsia, Cafe Sho sports a Spartan decor and piles of serious magazines. The fun Asian fusion menu is read from a huge blackboard scribbled with items that turn out to be mostly drinks, with a huge variety of tea infusions.  The central menu is based around a variety of meat, chicken and veggie brochettes with salad and noodles, rice or potatoes. They're huge, beautiful homemade platefuls packed with flavor, and  there are also plat du jour like ratatouille or quiche. Fresh homemade cakes and other sweets round things off nicely, making Cafe Sho one of the absolute favorites on Monot for unpretentious, quality food.

Casablanca 961 1 369334 Ain el Mreisseh Tuesday - Saturday 01:00 p.m. - 03:00 p.m., 08:30 p.m. - 12 midnight  Sunday 11:00 a.m. - 03:00 p.m., 08:30 p.m. - 12 midnight. Meal for two with wine 100,000 LBP Great ambiance, blue ribbon service and top notch quality with rich dishes impeccably fused with Far Eastern inspired flavors.

Cello 961 1 745771Jeanne d'Arc Street, Hamra Daily 08:00 a.m. 11:30 p.m. breakfast 08:00 a.m. 12 noon Meal for two with drinks 80,000 LBP. This restaurant/lounge has perfected their menu, spicing up popular dished with their own unique twists, try their paprika soup, or curried chicken salad.

Crave    961 333970 Faculty of Law (Madarasat Al Hukuk Street) Street, Monot, Achrafieh. Monday - Thursday 12 noon - 12 midnight Friday - Saturday 12 noon - 02:00 a.m.  Sunday 11:00 a.m. - 12 midnight. Meal for two with wine 75,000 LBP Californian styled with a beautiful marble floored courtyard and Sunday brunches. The range of fusion dishes includes plats du jour, and the desserts are sumptuous.
At the modern, intimate Crave, the chef attempts to unlike three continrnts on the menu. The shared cravings starters like carpaccios might be fresh tuna with wasabi creme fraiche, beef layered with arugula and parmesan and dressed with hazelnut Dijon, or simple salmon with lime and capers. Main selfish cravings are split into three : main salads, classic and fusion cravings. Beef medaillon Santa is served with garlicky crisps, grilled pineapples and a light curry sauce. The chicken tandoori salad is a guiltiess, refreshing option with mango and cashew nuts, and sweets include a Toblerone chocolate fondue and sweet mascarpone lasagne.

Frida 961 333226, Massabni Building, Furn el Hayek Street, Achrafieh. Daily 12 noon - 12 midnight.
There's possibly no loveliest building in Achrafieh than that which houses Frida; a gracious period palace covered in jasmine. The choice to pay homage to Mexican surrealist painter Frida Kahlo blends the austerity of the South American casa with the traditional colorful Lebanese tiled floor. Frida makes no attempt to return to Mexico's authentic roots, but the menu is no Tex Mex fat smeared carb fest; there's wafer thin markouk bread and crisp homemade tortilla chips heady with zaatar, sumac and toasted raisins, a salad of avocado, pine nuts and pomegranate, and cups of kibbeh with a rich cherry sauce filling.

Lakay 961 1 442000 Gouraud Street, Gemmayzeh. Daily 07:00 p.m. - late. Meal for two with drinks 100,000 LBP Mix some classic French dishes with a little taste of Haitian Creole throw in a few colourfu lCaribbean paintings and rhyhtmic music and you've got yourself this friendly gastropub. Fun and funky fusion.

Locanda 961 9 944333 Byblos old souk, facing the main castle, Daily 10:00 a.m.- 12 midnight Meal for two with wine 90,000 LBP. Traditional food prepared in a non traditional way, served in a rustic setting in the heart of old Byblos. Try the fish with aubergine, shrimp osmalieh and labneh with strawberries.

MYU 961 3 334476 Mar Antonios Street, off Gouraud Street, Gemmayzeh. Daily 09:00 p.m. - late. Meal for two with drinks 110,000 LBP. a trendy Gemmayzeh restaurant and bar. MYU features a range of classic Mediterranean food with a French twist. Devour your delicious meal in front of a huge glass window overlooking the street or sample fantastic cocktails at the longest bar in Gemmayzeh.

Olive Garden 961 1 371888 Gefinor Rotana Hotel, Clemenceau Street, Hamra. Daily 06:30 a.m. - 12 midnight. Meal for two drinks 140,000 LBP Sunday brunch 60,000 LBP. Offering fusion of traditional and Lebanese cuisine. Choose from the restaurant's open buffet and a la carte menu, with scrumptious seafood on offer. Drop by for a Sunday brunch on the Olive graden terrace and enjoy the live entertainment provided by the band.

Salmontini 961 1 320920 Anaraous Building, Accaoui Ascent, Achrafieh. Daily 8 a.m. - 12 midnight.
Whatever you thought was possible with salmon, Salmontini does it, plus a few other ways with the fish you'd probably never dreamed of. An enduring popular venue in a grand building that's been smoothly renovated with acres of cream walls and studded with fresh flowers, it includes a charmingly secluded rear terrace beneath huge mature trees and an inventive cocktail menu. There's a selection of meat  but the home smoked salmon is the draw, that comes in gourmet salads, gravadlax, julienne, tartare, carpaccio and in any number of sushi creations. Some come with platters, stuffed with ricotta, couscous and spicy harissa sauce or wasabi sauce.

Al-Hindi 961 1 372000 Palm Beach Hotel, Ain el Mreisseh. Daily 07:30 a.m. 05:30 p.m., 07:00 p.m. 11:30 p.m.Meal for two with drinks 105,000 LBP The temptingly comprehensive range of Indian dishes on offer at this, one of Beirut's very few Indian restaurants, might not bowl over curry aficionados when they arrive, but the descent effort and sumptuous decor will surely make up for it.

India 961 1 991200 Markazia Monroe Suites, Downtown. Daily 01:00 p.m. 05:00 p.m., 07:00 p.m. 12 midnight. Meal for two with wine 105,000 LBP. Authentic Punjabi cuisine delicately spiced to suit all palates. You must try the classic chicken tikka masala and the tandoori kebabs.

Maharaja 961 1 742275 Sporting Club Swimming Center, Bain Militaire Street, Ain el Mreisseh. Daily 12 noon - 12 midnightMeal for two 60,000 LBP. Great Indian Restaurant overlooking the Mediterranean. Order the korma mutton or butter chicken, curries or byriani. Don't forget the tasty naan bread

Bathazar 961 1 999223 Weygand Street, Souk Al Franj, Beirut Souks, Downtown. Sunday - Thursday 10 a.m. 11 p.m.; Friday - Saturday 10 a.m. 12 midnight. Outdoor seating
 Meal for two with drinks 100,000 LBP. Whether for breakfast, lunch or dinner, this extravagant restaurant is always busy with people. In the morning try some of their delicious pastries. Their menu is loaded with gourmet selections, with some extremely tasty French specialties.Balthazar has a wonderful position just at the main entrance to the Beirut Souks project, and the outside tables are usually crowded with shoppers and people watchers. It's not really a casual cafe, though, despite the selection of pastries - inside expect all dramatic black and gold with plush seating, in rich colours that reflect the delicious diversions of its high end French menu. Classic lambo shank, sea bass and the like put in an appearance, as well as bistro fare such as burgers and halloum salad. For those with a sweet tooth, most diners at Balthazar come away raving about the pain perdu, so keep an eye out. It's also a lovely place to sip an early evening cocktail.

Chase 961 202390 Sassine Square, Achrafieh. Daily 7 a.m. - 2 a.m. Outdoor seating
Sassine residents will wax lyrical lazy hours spent sitting out on the square, drinking coffee and watching the world go by. Newcomers visiting the famed hilltop can therefore be a bit taken aback by the reality; a busy intersection notable more for dusty tarmac and screaming car horns than peace and bird. ButChase, a local favorite does mange to instil some calm at the eye of the storm, under its big covered terrace opening up from a much smaller interior. It serves a comprehensive international menu covering everything from Lebanese breakfasts to pizza, pasta and burgers and a salad bar, and a homemade plat du jour like coq au vin or kibbeh with laba.

City Cafe 961 1 802289

Crepe away  961 1 331777 Damascus Road, Sodeco. Daily 10:30 a.m 12 midnight.
Clean and cheerful mainstream local chain offering an international menu of crepes, salads, sandwiches, burgers, pizza, pasta and platters in a reliable restaurant caters well to families and big groups. There are lighter options, but the real reason for coming to Crepaway is for a blowout; triple decker club sandwiches, burgers with deep fried mozzarella and chicken escalope stuffed with melted cheese are no holds barred calorie fests. This is offset by a Crepaway Light menu with an emphasis on wholegrain breads and smaller portions. You can always make up for it with a sneaky  James Brownie with ice cream, crispy hazelnuts and caramel sauce.

L'Atelier 961 1 426474 Ground floor, Berytech Building, Damascus Road, Mathaf. Monday - Friday 12 noon - 3 p.m., 8 p.m. - 11 p.m. Saturday 8 p.m. - 11 p.m.
While the idea of a restaurant run by students might raise fears of pot noodles and cold pizza, L'Atelier is full of surprises. Staffed by students from St. Joseph University's hospitality department and overseen by professional chefs., the decor is about halfway between student canteen and an attempt at something more sophisticated, but the menu is definitely more ambitious than you'd expect, and the service predictably sweet and enthusiastic. Lebanese and French dishes are executed with panache - a starter of puff pastry with mushrooms on tomato coulis, a main of soujouk ragout or a dessert of baba a  limoncello - and mixed with a smattering of international biryanis and burgers.

Le Mallion 961 1 336536 1st floor, Sofil Centre, Gorge Choueiri Street, Achrafieh. Monday - Saturday 12 noon - 3 pm, 8 pm - 12 midnight
Located on the first floor of the concrete Sofil Center, Le Maillon isn't necessary the restaurant you'd expect to find, being as it is an upper class French outfit complete with wooden wall panelling, heavy carpeting, classical friezes and towering flower arrangements. The menu offers the likes of lobsters, sea scallops, American prime rib and chocolate fondue, served with maximum flourish. On the drinks front, there are over 325 wine labels to choose from, and a wide selection of Armagnac and Cognac for the kind of expansive long meals the venue is designed to accomodate

Les Vilains 961 323531 Baroudi Street, Achrafieh Tuesday - Sunday 1 p.m. 3:30 p.m., 8 p.m.- 11:30 p.m.
Les Vilains holds its own with a chic yet good humored ambiance and consistent culinary innovation. Colored lanterns, vintage furniture and fresh flowers beckon through the picture windows - it's definitely  a contender for one of Beirut's prettiest venues. The seasonal menu is an intelligent and resourceful tour around the globe, a labor of love for the chef who creates original versions of everything from Peruvian ceviche to wild boar stew,  and from Thai shrimp curry to Indian inspired lamb chops. A well heeled crowd of attractive twenty and thirty somethings predominates, but it's a relaxed and welcoming venue for all.

Rare: The Restaurant 961 1 211122 Selim Bustros Street, Achrafieh. Tuesday - Sunday 12 noon - 3:30 p.m., 7:30 p.m. - 11:30 p.m.
One of the first steak houses in the area, Rare has a lovely location in a traditional house whose arched stone ceiling has been lovingly preserved, offset with the classic bistro accoutrements of black white tiled floor and red velvet banquettes. The huge wine list features Lebanese wines and a great selection of French vintages listed by region. Apart from the top quality grill of Black Angus, veal, chicken and a sausage of the day, there are lovely French dishes like escargots Bourguignonne and creations like aubergine ravioli with cream of sweet red pepper, chicken supreme with cider and apple crumble. Monday right id fondue night.

Scoop 961 1 333882 Ferneine Building, Abdel Wahab El Inglizi Street, Monot. Monday - Saturday 8 a.m. - 8 p.m.
You are what you eat' proclaims the sign outside Scoop, so it's nice their food is all about fresh, organic homemade fare. They have a core range of colorful salads - quinoa, hindbe, lentil and moghrabie - that are always available, and then a daily list of quiches, tarts and open sandwiches. The beautiful, airy restaurant also has a quiet terrace at the rear surrounded by banks of gardenias, and inside   teapots, organic produce and expressive artworks by local artist Jean Marc Nahas are on sale. For dessert, you can pick your own from the circular central table of pastries and cakes.

The Beirut Cellar 961 1 216990, Garmakian Building, Chehade Street, Achrafieh, Daily 12 noon - 12 midnight.
The Beirut Cellar has been around for many years and endeared itself to a wide audience. With its rows of vintage lamps, comfy blue and beige seating, conservatory area and and tiny terrace. it's a serene and welcoming space, with an eclectic menu that covers French, Lebanese Italian and Asian bases. Starters include makanek, nachos, beef carpaccio and edame, and there's a section of Asian specials like shrimp dumplings and teriaki, chicken. Elsewhere there's homemade pastas, risottos and a grill menu with shrimps, veal, burgers and a range of steaks with sauces like butter, Roquefort or mushrooms - truly something for everyone

The Greedy Goose 961 1 337883 Monot Street, Monot, Monday - Thursday 5 p.m. - late; Friday - Sunday 11 a.m. - late.
Managing to avoid the curse of British pubs abroad that are usually acknowledged to be sticky floored hell holes full of month old copies of the Sun. The Greedy Goose has more of a classy gastro pub feel, installed as it is in a handsome old building in the center of Monot. Most often a hangout for embassy staff and other assorted Beirut ex pats feeding their craving for lager by the pint and Guinness draught, it's very friendly. The menu is good gastro food too, with satisfying plates of things like fish and chips, an English breakfast and sticky toffee pudding. Plasma screens make it a reliable destination for major sporting events.

Time Out La Closerie 961 1 331938 St. Joseph Street University, Achrafieh. Daily 6 p.m. late.
Walking into La Closerie for the first time, you'd be forgiven for thinking you'd wandered into someone's front room. Housed in the former coach house of a magnificent Achrafieh mansion, a stone stairway leads from the street to a vine strewn terrace and a set of shabbily elegant columns It is theoretically a member's venue but it should be easy enough to grab a spot to eat; good sushi and chicken brochettes. But the atmosphere is the thing - probably the most relaxed evening you'll spend in Beirut.

Yasmina 961 1 206406 Accaoui Street, Achrafieh. Daily 12:30 p.m. 3:20 p.m., 8:30 p.m. 11:20 p.m. Outdoor seating
Set up in an old Lebanese style ground level apartment next to the Cypriot embassy and themed like the interior of Prince's Yasmine's residence, at Yasmina the colors gold and turquoise prevail in the decor, and the whole is topped off with a gorgeous rooftop terrace. On the menu, classic Indian cuisine is given a bit of upscale glamour with a touvh of French fusion. You don't have  to stay away from familliar dishes - there are some more straightforward things like lamb biryani, chikken tikka, pomegranate raita or garlic naan, that are done extremely well - but don't be afraid to try, for example, a goat's cheese samosa salad.

Al Dente 961 202440 Albergo Hotel, Abdel Wahab El Inglizi Street, Monot. Sunday - Friday 12 noon - 3 p.m., 8 p.m. - 11 p.m.; Saturday 8 p.m. - 11 p.m..
The exquisite Italian restaurant of the Albergo hotel is found up a sweeping pair of staircases through the leafy forecourt of the hotel, past antique cages of tweeting lovebirds. The intimate interior is a delicious mixture of classic style with modernist touches (check out the forest of angular lamps in the center of the ceiling), and the upmarket menu equally innovative while using classic ingredients. Starters might be lobster salad, gazpacho with a touch of mint, frito misto of calamari with shrimp tails, or seasonal white and green asparagus. Pacherri pasta comes with cream of aubergine and buffalo mozzarella, grilled white fish comes with wild fennel..

Aliacci 961 1 566199, Gouraud Street, Gemmayzeh. Daily 12:30 p.m. - 12:30 a.m. Veg. available, Child Friendly, Outdoor seating Valet Parking. Nested in a converted traditional building in the heart of Gemmayzeh, Aliacci is a small, busy and friendly Italian that executes its menu with a touch of elan. Mains like gnocchi gamberi with shrimps and tomatoes, or pizza bianco (without tomato sauce) with potato, rosemary and mozzarella are pretty presented, and the homemade desserts - classics like panna cotta and tiramisu - are a cut above the average. The menu and Italian wine list are popular with tourists and native Beirutis alike, so it's a perfect place to eat out with friends before moving on to Gemmayzeh's myriad  bars. In summer, small tables are crowded onto the pavement next to the picturesque windows.

Eatalian 961 1 215512 Abdel Wahab El Inglizi Street, Monot. Daily 12 noon 12 midnight.
A big, cheerful venue offering a taste of Naples and complete with a red Vespa parked in the window. With a big semi open kitchen and an attractive dining room surrounded on three sides by plate glass. Eatalian's menu is more inventive and interesting than many of Beirut's bog standard Italians. Start with an antipasti of creamy tomato risotto and mozzarella croquettes, or crispy fried four cheese ravioli with arrabiata dip. Then choose from fresh homemade pastas, pizzas (including whole wheat dough versions), meat dishes and salads - perhaps the burrate per due, cream - filled fresh mozzarella, rucola and bruschetta for two.

La Pizzeria  961 1 201520 Furn el Hayek Street, Achrafieh. Daily 7:30 a.m.- 12 midnight.
Walking into La Pizzeria, with its open wood fired oven and tables of fresh baked bread and cakes, it's tempting just to stand and take a few deep breaths, inhaling the scents of herbs and baking. Next door to the Bread Republic bakery, the pizzeria has all the same homemade, organic friendly credentials, and the space is warm and inviting. The superb selection of bruschetta and focaccia showcases the bakery's breads, and there are also salads, antipasti and breakfasts. Pizza toppings run the gamut from sardines with black olives and capers to fennel sausage with caramelised onion, roast garlic, potatoes and mozzarella, or you could choose calzone or pasta. A delight.

Basillio 961 1 444410 Gouraud Street, Gemmayzeh. Daily 12 noon -12 midnight. Child friendly.. Outdoor seating. Valet Parking. The personality of veteran chef Roberto Bulian is all over his Italian restaurant Basillio, from the hand scribbled quotations and drawings on the walls to the spur of the moment decorations he whips up to go with dessert. The main menu includes pizza, fresh, pasta and distinctive creations like pear risotto or a mozarella salad that's wrapped up like a present in a sheet of cheese and scattered with rose petals, kids. Kids in particular (though to be honest, plenty of grown ups as well) will be drawn to the honest glass fronted display kitchen area, where Chef Roberto creates Miro or Van Gogh inspired drawings in colored sugar syrups to liven up puddings, part of his 'cucina emozionale' that keeps Basillio buzzing.

La Piazza 961 1 339449 Damascus Road, Achrafieh. Daily 12:30 p.m. 11;30 p.m.
The choices of where to sit at La Piazza are half the fun; entering the cavernous main hall through its wrought iron arch, you are offered the ground floor space that's modelled on a market square, the dinky internal second floor balconies overlooking it complete with lines of washing for the full pseudo Italian courtyard effect or the graceful green terrace outside. The no-frills plastic menus and generous bread basket set the tone; filled with enthusiasm, not airs and graces. Pizza, pasta, mains and salads are workmanlike, with some peaks (thin and crispy pizza bases) and troughs (overpowering  sauces on salmon carpaccio). Good for families and large groups.

La Posta  961 1 209909 Wadih Naim Street, Achrafieh. Daily 12 noon - 4 p.m. 8 p.m. - 12 midnight.
Located in one of the palatial old houses that formerly belonged to the venerable old Achrafieh family Bustros, a visit to to the Italian La Posta restaurant is all about understated elegance. The upper terrace is the place to sit if you can, with its mosaics tiles, arching pagodas, creeping vines  and candlelight. The restaurant has been around for years and is popular with Achrafieh's upper crust, but not too formal for all that. Come here for a memorable evening of top quality Italian cuisine - the same group own La Posta Gourmet in Saifi village, with its fantastic range of authentic imported Italian produce.

Rosa Maria 961 1 756166 Viccini Suite Building, Sadat Street, Hamra. Daily 9 a.m. - 11:30 p.m.
An authentic Italian eatery awaits you, tucked away in the vibrant area of Hamra. The fine meals are served in an intimate atmosphere, giving you a refreshing dining experience at affordable prices. We recommend you try the conchiglie slamoni served with smoked salmon, basil and artichoke in a delectable creamy white wine sauce. For the pizza lovers, try the quatre saisons pizza served with fresh vegetables and ham. Though the pizza toppings are basic, the vegetable combo will make your tummy quiver with satisfaction. End all diet woes and be sure to check out their extensive dessert menu. Wash it all down with a glass of Italian wine and you 've experienced a night out in Italy.

Sake 961 1 333696 Abdel Wahab El Inglizi Street, Achrafieh. Daily 12 noon - 4 pm, 7 pm - 12 midnight.
A simple L shaped room with a bar and neat tables ready laid with chopsticks and sauce trays, Sake is a
regional chain that had its origins in Beirut and does a steady trade in Japanese soups, salads, sushi, noodles, ramen, teppanyaki, tempura and grill. In a city where sushi gets ritual abuse at inexpert hands, Sake offers a thoughtful selection that makes a virtue of variety with everything from flying fish roe to black cod to eel to kobe beef and Japanese clams. There are three types of miso soup and a good selection of sushi sashimi and makis. The restaurant's famous sake is available  cold or warm by the carafe or half carafe.

Le Sushi Bar 961 1 338555, Abdel Wahab El Inglizi Street, Achrafieh. Daily 12 noon - 12 midnight
It's no surprise that Japanophiles flock to Le Sushi Bar, a casual, elegantly bamboo embellished restaurant that is famous for serving some of the best Japanese food as well as the only place with fresh tuna in Beirut. In an upscale setting, it has counter seats, a raised seating area and table seating set along a large glass window looking onto a terrace, but the counter seating, where you can watch - and chat to - the chefs, is really the only way to go. The top quality fish goes into their red mullet tempura, ceviche inspired yellow tail, octopus and shrimps and the famous caramelised black cod with a sweet miso sauce for example. There's  also a well regarded sushi menu.

Sushi Ko 961 1 860999, Golden Tulip, - Serenada Hotel, Abdel Aziz Street, Hamra. Daily 12 noon - 12 midnight. Branches Zalka - Zouk Mosbeh.
Sushi Ko started out as a small kiosk outlet in a town up the cost of Beirut, and has grown into a national chain thanks to its reliable menu and affordable prices. The enormos selection of sushi is of  reasonable quality and is supplemented by noodles, soups, dumpings, teppanyaki and tempura, and some Chinese additions like vegetable spring rolls. You can get lost in the selection of sushi boats and lists of different coats, menus, wraps, and other possibilities, so let your waiter guide you, keeping an eye, out for the sweet maki or chocolate tamago to finish up with.

La Bodeguita del Medio 961 1 211332 Damascus Road, Sodeco. Daily 5 p.m. 12 midnight
Cigar smoking, rum guzzling and Gueva worshipping are all encouraged at this Cuban shrine, which started life as a Bohemian Havana hangout (attracting the likes of Ernest Hemingway). The in-house bar, cigar humidor and summer terrace make a great setting for some mojito-slinging.The vast menu is packed with authentic Cuban flavors, like aguacate rellenco con camarones (stuffed avocado with shrimps) pescado de salsa con anchoa (hamour fillet with anchoives) or cerdo con mojo criollo  (pan fried pork filled with orange and lemon juice); it doesn't quite escape the feeling of being a chain, but is a welcome breath of Cuban spirit, with a live band and Ladies Cigar Night every Monday

Addel Wahab 961 200550 --- 51 Abdel Wahab
El Inglizi Street, Monot. Daily 12 noon - 12 midnight
Outdoor seating.
With its elegant glassed  in dining room busy with palm fronds and waiters juggling dishes of mezze, its wood lined painted lift taking you to a big roof terrace overlooking a stylish roofscape. Abdel Wahab is a Lebanese restaurant in a class of its own. It has a well deserved legendary statue, offering fabulous mezze like stewed chickpeas, balila, basterma with quail's eggs and bayd ghanam- sheep's testicles cooked in wine, with garlic and sumac. Make sure to leave room for the meat grill, a plate of ashta and honey and a top quality narguileh. The best part is that the bill is much less than you'd expect for the quality, location and atmosphere. A must.

Sake 961 1 333696 Abdel Wahab El Inglizi Street, Achrafieh. Daily 12 noon - 4 pm, 7 pm - 12 midnight.
A simple L shaped room with a bar and neat tables ready laid with chopsticks and noon - 12 midnight Outdoor seating.
Al Balad harks back to Downtown's pre-war identity as a community gathering place, and is one of the more popular Downtown destinations for locals. Located on one of the broad cobbled streets branching out from the central Place de l'Etoile, it's a casual and friendly restaurant that's almost invariably humming with big parties watching the world go by through clouds of narguileh smoke. The menu spans all the Lebanese classics from kebabs to fatteh, and top-notch mezze are a particular draw, scooped up with pillow-like fresh baked bread. Don't miss the chicken livers with pomegranate sauce or hummus with mince meat and pine nuts, or the classic towering fresh fruit cocktails.

Al Falamanki 961 1 323456 Damascus Road, Sodeco. Daily 24 hours. Outdoor seating.
A huge, rambling Lebanese restaurant with a well deserved reputation, Al Falamanki's multiple rooms and sprawling garden terrace are always buzzing and thick with narguile smoke. The interior is adorned with antique lamps, mirrors and farming equipment, and the vibe is pure old school Lebanese - one of the best ways to enjoy it is to make like a local and settle in for an evening with cards and backgammon, and let the time flow by. Try their award winning fatouch and special saj dough. Along with that their mezze menu includes a fantastic tabbouleh with young grape dressing. The fresh juices from mint lemonade to strawberry and mango come highly recommended.

Amareddine 961 1 212712 Jazra Building, Abdel Wahab el Inglizi Street, Achrafieh. Daily 12 noon - 12 midnight. Outdoor seating.
A beautiful old Monot building houses Amareddine, a classic white-painted beauty with an entrance studded with greenery and double stairway sweeping upwards to an elegant high ceilinged interior. The restaurant is a devoted homage to the possibilities of a traditional Lebanese menu - even though the outfit is gourmet and sophisticated, there's a traditional cloth and flour covered  dome in the entrance for rolling out saj dough. The menu covers everything from mousaka batenjen, frogs legs and with sumac or makanek to an unusual wide dessert menu with such treats as atayef, mafroukeh, knefeh bil jeben, and ashta with banana or honey.

Basma 961 1 326327 Safadi Building, Charles Malek Avenue, Achrafieh. Daily 11 a.m. 12 midnight
The setup at Basma is an astute bit of local nostalgia in glorious technicolour that has succeeded in attracting the Achrafieh community in all its stripes, from huge family parties to aspirational yougsters on their way to Gemmayzeh. The elegant rooms with their traditional tiled floors, glowing glass lamps and silent TV screens showing reels of Lebanon's mountains make you feel like you're in someone's living room. There's all the meze and mains you'd expect with quite a few that are above the average, like slow roasted lamb with burgul on their rotating plat du jour menu. Fun desserts, too, like banana with candyfloss, creme Chantilly and pistachios.

Aunty Salwa 961 1 749746, Baalbaki Building, Abdel Aziz Street, Hamra. Daily 8 am - 5 pm. Outdoor seating.
In a clean and homely space squirreled away off Abdel Aziz Street, with a cheery sky blue canopy and old fashioned lace in the windows, is one of those small clubbyhole canteen restaurants whose cheap but excellent home made food and familial atmosphere has made an unassuming venue into a local legend. Aunty Salwa used to serve just vegetarian dishes, but has expanded into meat as well, and the daily changing menu features homely things like fried cauliflower, kibbeh bil laban or shish barak, done well and served with a huge smile and friendly chatter. Beloved by students and locals alike who are looking for a cheap, wholesome and filling lunch.

Barometre 961 3 678998, Blue Building, Makhoul Street, Hamra. Daily restaurant 7 p.m - 3 a.m; cafe 9 a.m - 2 a.m Outdoor seating.
Barometre draws a faithful crowd of patrons with a laid back approach, top quality Lebanese food and evenings that invariably see people getting up and dancing to the sound of Arabic classics. The interior is dingy in just the right sort of way, with faded Palestine tourism posters on the walls, and tables spreading out onto the unprepossessing forecourt, the menu is spot on. Even hardened fans of Lebanese food can enthusiastic about the fattoush salad and chicken livers with debs el remmen (pomegranate syrup) and mdradera lentils and rice with fried onions. Prices are reasonable and there's a comprehensive selection of wires and spirits.

Boubouffe 961 1 200406 Mar Mitr Street, Achrafieh. Daily 8 a.m. - 12:30 a.m.
The city's best shawarma? Those in the know wax lyrical about Boubouffe, an unassuming joint at the less picturesque end of Mar Mitr, whose dim, cosy and kitsch set up positvly screams comfort food. You can get their famous wraps to go from the bar at the front, watching the soothing process of shaving the meat from the slowly turning gyro, frying it on the hot metal below and layering it into hot flatbreads with chips, pickles and slatherings of garlic, mayo. Or settle in at the plastic covered tables and work your way through the full works; hummus, hot garlicky chickpeas and plat du jour, enough to make anyone's mouth water.

Cafe Blanc 961 1 211120 ABC Department Store, Achrafieh Street, Achrafieh. Daily 10 a.m. 12 midnight. Outdoor seating.
While the fashion for gourmet reinterpretations of traditional Lebanese cuisine is gathering pace around Beirut . Cafe Blanc has been quietly doing it for years at an affordable  popular level that has become a region wide franchise . The gleaming white interior is  a fusion of modernism and Oriental patterns, and even the narguileh are industrial chic, while hipster waiters sport cherwal trousers. Beautifully presented dishes turn the homely sahlab into an upscale dessert, or ubiquitous fattouch salad into an elegant Japanese style arrangement. The flavors aren't always bang on, but it will definitely stand out from the crowd of hummus and manouche.

Em Nazih 961 1 562509 Pasteur Street, Gemmayzeh. Daily 8 a.m. - 4 a.m. Outdoor seating
The charmingly cluttered cafe of the Saifi Urban Gardens hostel and language school, Em Nazih has a true community feel, as its good cheap Lebanese menu and lively clientele keep its inner bar and outdoor terrace perched most of the time.You're as likely to run into old men puffing narguileh over a game of backgammon as you are an overseas language student gazing into the depths of their iPad, and weekend evenings are
usually riotous, usually riotous, with the Arabic music turned up full blast and reliable stop for mezze, daily specials like kibbeh with yoghurt, a beer and a water pipe.

Em Sherif 961 1 206206 Victor Hugo Street, Monot, Achrafieh. Daily 12 noon 4 p.m., 8 p.m. - 12 midnight.
Em Sherif sets out to make you feel like you are spoling yourself, from the moment you set your hand on the door handle and realised it's a carved silver model of a bird, complete with intricate feather details. Inside the opulent theme continues, creating a look that is half Beiteddine and half Big top. The menu at lunch and dinner is designed for groups of mature diners ready ready to dig in with a taste for live Arabic background music, and is hugely popular with a discerning crowd. Although technically a set menu, it's  enormous with around 30 plates covering just about everything, from mdardra to kebbeh nayeh, and from taouk to bouza.

Enab  961 1 444441 Geara  building, Armenia Street, Mar Mikhael. Daily 12 noon 12 midnight Enab has an extraordinary site in Mar Mikhael and there's nothing to compare to it in the area in terms of cuisine - Tawlet's buffet down the road is excellent, but less traditional. This is squarely aimed at middle class diners wanting a full on spread of mezze  , followed by grill followed by dessert, all nicely lubricated with narguilleh. The first floor venue is reached from lift on the street front, taking you to a beautifully restored many roomed restaurant done out in pastel painted dressers, twinkling chandeliers and other nostalgic accountrements, At the back, a huge terrace - a rarity in this area - that leads up to a dramatic natural cliff.  A gorgeous place to enjoy everything from spicy hummus to sawdet djej and riz bel halib.

Falafel Freiha  961 1 321608 Furn el Hayek Street, Achrafieh. Daily 10 a.m - 10 p.m.
Freiha is a gem for their legendary vegetarian street food, and the 1 o'clock queue for this takeaway only joint can leave punters grousing moodily over their long awaited lunch. Still, the wait is strangely pleasurable, there is a very basic satisfaction to watching the rhythmic scooping of the chickpea paste and its dropping into golden bubbling oil, turning out perfect round, crispy gobbets, and the swoop, slap and roll of the sandwich makers with their swathes of tahini and pickles. One treat you mustn't miss is to ask them to bag  you a couple of straight falafel piping hot out of the oil, and crunch into them directly out of the paper. They also do shawarma.

Ka3kaya 961 1 742729 Makdessi Street, Hamra, Monday - Saturday 8 a.m. - late. Sunday 3 p.m. -late.
A long key local venue that's popular spot for a relaxed evening of narguileh and cards. The name suggests a large portion of the menu centres around the tradition handbag shaped kaak flatbread, sprinkled with sesame,  that is a well known feature of Beirut's food landscape. You can have it plain or filled with cheese, thyme or any number of other fillings. There are also burgers and other snacks,  and a classic hot drinks to try is the creamy, porridges, like sahlab. Warm and rich sprinkled with cinnamon and served with its own mini kaak breads. It's the perfect choice for a chill evening.

Kabab-ji Grill  961 1 741555 Hamra Street, Daily 8 a.m - 12 midnight. Branches Achrafieh,
Successfully taking a traditional concept and turning it into a flourishing chain, popular grill house Kabab-ji serves a comprehensive Lebanese menu in a functional restaurant setting. Apart from a broad range of broad  range of traditional Lebanese appetisers and snacks like tabbouleh, fatteh and grilled halloum, the main draw is the kebab sandwiches, a good range with good quality ingredients, from low-key chicken or aubergine to more exciting spicy Orfali. Desserts are basic - ice cream or fruit - the real reason to visit Kabab-ji is to fill up on the great meat and veg. A worthwhile  specialty is the rage of "nayyeh" or raw meat, ground and mixed with herbs.

Kahwet Leila 961 1 561888 Gouraud Street, Gemmayzeh, Daily 10 a.m. - 12 midnight.
The building housing Kahwet Leila has a distinguished history. Its previous incarnation, Ahwet el Ezez or Glass Cafe was like Le Chef up the road one of the only cafes open in the area before it became a hotspot for new bar, club and restaurant openings. With rents rising, Ahwet el Ezez had to move out to Antelias, and with it went many old local memories. The new Kahwet is a branch of established restaurant chain Leila, and has updated the interior in a kitschy, colourful nostalgia decor. It's popular, and serves a good menu of mezze, Lebanese sweets, fresh ground coffees and narguileh.

Karam al Bahr 961 1 360777, Zaitunay Bay, Beirut Marina, Minet el Hosn. Daily 12 noon - 12 midnight.
In a cute twist to Zaitunay Bay's redevelopment of the area the original founders of well known Lebanese restaurant Karam had a venue open in the Marina over 60 years ago. Today their descendants have opened a new concept in the bay, the same commitment to quality Lebanese food but with an eye to the ocean. So hot mezze might include octopus and shrimp, and cold mezze a plate of spicy fish in addition to the standard hummus or fattoush. The main event is advertised by the huge ice tray just opposite the entrance spread with glittering colourful rows of fish, waiting to be chosen and turned into main dishes.

Laziz 961 1 353433 Hamra Street, Hamra. Daily 9:30 a.m. 1 a.m. Outdoor seating
A great location on a busy corner slap bang in the middle of the main street, opposite Starbuck's and surrounded by shops, makes Laziz the first port of call for many wanting to get a slice of Hamra life. It's perfect for watching the world go by with a narguileh in hand, and attract all ages. The interior with its huge glass windows is all bright whites and primary coloured furniture. It's a fresh modern setting for its extensive Lebanese menu that covers hot and cold mezze, meat dishes and sweet and drinks. There are also daily specials like moghrabieh with chicken and lamb or laban with rice.

Le Chef 961 1 445373 Gouraud Street, Gemmayzeh, Monday - Saturday .Monday - Saturday 7 a. m - 12 midnight
You'll know you've found Le Chef when he bellows welcome at you from across the street, as if you have tourist tattooed across your forehead. A Gemmayzeh institution that has been open here since long before it became a bizzard of bars and restaurants. Le Chef has a dedicated following of ex-pats and Lebanese who adore its bistro menu. of classic Lebanese dishes at great prices. The menu changes daily though you can always get hummus, fattouche and a meat or fish dish like moghrabieh or siyyadiye. Sensitive diners, beware the kitchen and toilets at the back (though they have never dented the place popularity) - everyone else, enjoy the place's brio and shabby charm.

Petit Cafe 961 1 808017 General De Gaulle Avenue, Rawche. Daily 24 hours.
With a big semi circle of glass windows overlooking the Pigeon Rocks, Petit Cafe at Rawche does a roaring tourist trade and is always in a fog of narguileh smoke, through some locals might mutter about the prices. But the huge Lebanese and Italian menus will feed anyone more than satisfactory - their foukhariat menu offers things like fish tajine and oven-baked eggs with awarma, and then the selection moves on to cold and hot mezze, soups, salads, pasta, pizza, sandwiches and grill.  Lebanese platters cover half roast chicken, chicken taouk and spicy kebab orfali, and for a drink stop or lighter dessert there's also a page of fruit juices and smoothies.

Tarator  961 323623 Phoenicia Building Independence Avenue, Achrafieh. Daily 10:30 a.m - 12 midnight
If you fancy some falafel but don't want to elbow your way through a queue and then have nowhere the solution. Like most of the casual mom & and pop joints serving falafel the menu is pretty basic, but the venue is clean and modern and has eight seats downstairs by a window and 30 - 40 seats in its upstairs dining room. Traditional falafel, chicken and beef shawarma flat breads, pitas and platters and beef shawarma are supplemented by salads and a falafel burger, and various build your own options with a less than traditional range of sauces and fillings like sundried tomato mayo or walnut lemon chill salsa.

Tawlet 961 1 448129 Chalhoub building, Nahr Street, Mar Mikhael. Monday - Friday 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. Saturday 12 noon - 4 p.m.
When Kamal Mouzawak founded farmers market Souk El Tayeb back in 2004, he spearheaded an interesting rediscovering and celebrating the regional cookery of Lebanon which today is influencing diners and restaurateurs all over the world. Tawlet is the world famous restaurant of Souk el Tayeb, where cooks from around Lebanon work on rotation, producing a fabulous daily all you can eat buffet. Many of the regional dishes will surprise even knowledgeable Lebanese, and though it's not very cheap, the price is great for the quality and amount of food, and the arak on tap. The light and airy space also houses a Lebanese wine boutique and shelves of local cookbooks.

Walimat Warde 961 1 343128, Ground Floor, Marble Tower Hotel, Makdessi Street, 12 noon - late.
Previously housed in a gracious old Lebanese building that was demolished. Walimat Warde has managed to retain some of its character and charm in its new venue in a hotel building. A little dark, the slight gloom adds to the warm atmosphere and the room always smells of the kitchen's Lebanese homestyle food, and there's a regular programme of bands, quiz nights and other events in the evenings. Recommended from the menu is the daily platter of comforting things like spinach stew with beef mince and rice, or for the more adventurous stuffed courgettes and grape leaves with lamb trotters. As always, if  this isn't for you there's always mezze.

Zaatar w Zeitar  961 1 611488 Istiklal Street, Sodeco, Achrafieh. Daily 24 hours.
If Pret a Manger made traditional Lebanese manouche, it might look something like Zaatar w Zeit. A far cry from your dingy little flour-strew local furn this hugely successful chain is all clean lines,  cosy booths and  cute cartoons. The menu isn't furn prices either but you're almost guaranteed a good sandwich every time, and not just jebneh or zaatar. Choose from saj bread or manouche, infused with herbs or sun dried tomato,
and spread it with everything from labneh to tuna. and sweet corn or halloum bacon. There are also salads, chicken bites, baked potatoes and great desserts.

Zabad  961 1 376640 Zaitunay Bay, Beirut Marina, Minet el Hosn. Daily 12 noon - 11:30 p.m. Happy Hour 5 p.m. - 8 p.m.
With three successful restaurants to his name in Paris, serving seafood, tapas and champagne respectively Lebanese chef and restaurateur Karim Haidar is trying something completely different for his first venture in Beirut. Drawing on advanced modernist cooking methods and presentation, Zabad presents a truly original approach to Lebanese cuisine. An a la carte menu of multiple small dishes every  few days, offering things like chickpeas espuma with tahini and sweetened lemons, tiny rolls of veal fillet with bottanga or duck kefta with beetroot and vadouvan spice. Totally unique cuisine, served in a bright contemporary space.

Braai 961 1 333901 Ground Floor, Elipse Center, Charles Malek Avenue, Achrafieh. Monday - Saturday 12 noon - 4 p.m., 8 p.m. - 12 midnight.
Rather sleeker than the casual South African 'braaivleis', Braai Beirut is all sparkling glass, dark wood and deep red bottles of wine arranged in artistic wall formations. Through it has lighter salads, poultry and fish dishes, you'd be hard put to resist the meat. A whole page is devoted to steak - Australian, American, or Argentinian, in a comprehensive array of cuts and weights - and burgers and game feature prominently. Sauces include the secret ingredient 'monkey gland' which is an earthy, spicy change from peppercorn or mushroom, and some rarer treasures like fabulously spicy boerewors sausage or imported South African hare.

Bars, night clubs, pubs in Beirut
Abbey Road 961 3 830037 Armenia Street Mar Mikhael. The place to be in Mar Mikhael. Abbey Road offers a relaxing atmosphere during the day before the rocking beats start a thumping at nightime. The venue houses two floors of what appears to be a recording studio, with photos of rock singers adorning the walls. Snacks are served throughout the day to accompany old, classic rock rythms- "Come together right now"
Abu Elie's (Aka Naya's Pub) 961 70 918821 Yakoubian building Block B Caracass Street Manara. Tuesday - Sunday 8 pm - 2 am. The bright red walls in this Hamra pub are concealed behind flags and historical memorabilia including hundreds of photos, postcards and posters of communist icons from Che and Mao to Lebanon's own George Hawi.

Barometre 961 1 367229 Makhoul Street off Abdel Aziz Street Hamra. Daily 7 p.m. - 01:30 a.m.. A small, rustic, lively Hamra bar with a Hispanic feel to it. Popular with students, it serves excellent Lebanese mezza and has a big outside terrace. As the night ebbs on, customers often get to their feet and dance to Latin and Arabic music.

Bazalt 961 71 888414 Armenia Street, extension of Gouraud Street, Mar Mikhael, Gemmayzeh. Daily 07:30 p.m. - 02:30 a.m.If you like your nightlife dark, fine and volcanicthan Bazalt has a lot to offer. From the industrial design to the well sele3cted playlist, it's the perfect alternative to Gouraud Streetcrowded and dated holes in the wall. Try the Italian inspired and the grease free international menu.

Behind the Green Door 961 1 565656 Armenia  Street, extension of Gouraud Street, opposite Electricite du Liban, Mar Mikhael. Daily 08:00 p.m. - late. A popular venue for post Gemmayzeh night out. Quite a ritzy velvety affair with a mish mash of 1990s to 2000s dance and rock. The bouncers are militant so consider making a reservation.

Berlin 961 70 246688 Saad Building, facing Convivium Apartments, Gemayzeh. Daily 8:30 p.m. - 2 a.m. This cozy low lit Gemmayzeh pub has an urbane feel. Nights usually start off pretty quietly, but inevitably descend into playing big tunesuntil the early hours. Berlin play lots of deep house and commercial electro, with a guest DJ every Friday.

Brick's 961 1 355443 Makdessi Street, Hamra. Daily 10:30 - 2 a.m.Brick's is the place to kick back and get a good hearty meal in a cozy atmosphere. A home from home, expect a varied sound track of everything relaxed from jazz to folk, blues to to alternative rock.

Calibri 961 1 736414 Makdess Street, Hamra. Daily 06:00 p.m. - late. Happy Hour Tuesday - Saturday 06:00 p.m. - 09:00 p.m.Monday 06:00 - late. This simple Morrocan style bar attracts a more mature crowd. Choose from theur extensive menu of cocktails (11,000 LBP - 13,000 LBP) or simple Mediterranean menu with four starters, four salads and four sandwiches  DJ Jimmy Haddad plays a mix of everrything Wednesday Saturday. Soon to open for the day for coffee and WiFi.

Celtic 961 1 338688 Monot Street Achrafieh. Monday - Sunday 5 p.m. - 2 a.m. An irish style pub popular with Lebanese and ex-pats alike. Good place to hangout with friends and wathch sports - mainly football - on a projector TV screen. On Fridays they host a game of "beer poing", a drinking game that incorporates ping pong balls Celtics will open for any Premier League game.

Chill 961 3 842266 Jeanne D'Arc Street, Daily 04:00 p.m. 02:00 a.m.. A warm boho atmosphere and extremely friendly staff. Guiness on tap, free WiFi, karaoke on Thursday nights, and live bands twice a month. Music is generally blues, chill out and funk. Enjoy 'open wings' every Tuesday night.

Crew 961 1 449873 Pasteur Street, Gemmayzeh. Monday - Suday 06:00 a.m. - 06:00 p.m. This bar works on a different concept, hospitality staff receives 25 per cent discount on drinks and Middle East cabin crew get a whopping 50 per cent off. Nurse away the hours on your feet with their specialty 'Crew Bar Touch' cocktail to a soundtrack of jazz, blues, regaee, and pop. Snack and sandwiches on offer. Hosts regular psychedelic nights.

Cristobal Colon 961 1 342164 Makdessi Str. Hamra. Daily 05:00 p.m. 02:00 a.m. Happy Hour 05:00 p.m. - 08:00 p.m. European mixed with Latin flavor this bar/restaurant offers the best sangria you could hope to find in Beirut. Try the tapas and any of their fine desserts.

Dany's 961 3 904547 Small Alley connecting Hamra Street and Makdessi Street, facing Eldorado intersection of Ibrahim Abdel Aal Street and Omar Bin Abdel Street, Hamra. Daily 09:00 a.m.- 02:30 A.M. One of Hamra's most famous bars and a magnet for the young, liberal and intellectual crowd. Reasonable prices.

De Prague 961 1 744864 Makdessi Street, nearintersection with Abdel Aziz Street, Hamra. Daily 09:00 a.m. - 02:00 a.m. Trendy art deco setting with film screenings and the occasional exibition. The warm bohemian ambience attracts many especially studentswith a great mixof music and friendly staff are sure to make you feel right at home.

Duke of Wellington 961 1 340680 Mayflower Hotel,  Nehmeh Yafet Street Hamra Daily 2pm - 1am. Happy hour Friday - Wednesday 7pm -9pm. Meal for two with wine 60,000 LBP. Famous haunt for ex-pat war reporters in the '70s. A very English pub serving fish, steaks, salads and the like. It's an entertainment change of scene, the walls decorated with bagpipes, swords and reinder heads on the walls, and is surprisingly affordable.

Em Chill 961 1 563313 Mar Mikhael Street, facing the Gas Station, Mar Mikhael. Daily 10:00 a.m. - late. A bar by night and a coffee shop by day. This small cosy bar also houses a hidden converted garage where young crowds dance to to underground live music (jazz, latin funk, jazz rock, alternative rock, lounge music and folk).  Friendly staff and a very laid back atmosphere.

Ferdinand 961 1 355955 Mahatma Ghandi Street, facing Plaza Hotel, Hamra. Daily 11:00 a.m. - late. Food served 12 noon - 11:30 p.m. Happy Hour Monday - Saturday 06:00 p.m. - 08:00 p.m. This tiny hip Hamra bar oozes character. Lounge in the cozy red walked interior and sip on delicious cocktails. If their famous Mojitos get the better of you, soak up the liquor with their quality food and try the burgers.

FLO 961 3 789551 Makhoul Street, next to Flying Pizza, Hamra. Daily 09:00 a.m. 04:30 p.m. This multi leval bar provides a warm and inviting atmosphere filled sprawling couches and bar stools Norman Rockwell well esque paintings and a delectable selection of cocxktailas and beers served neneath dim lighting . Serves both breakfast and lunch.

Gauche Caviar 961 1 566375 Gouraud Street, Gemmayzeh. Daily 07:00 a.m. - late. A chic and well dsigned bar, Gauche Caviar features a grand wooden bar, huge glass windows and and standing tables. The well stocked bar, high quality bar food and valet parking also attracts the mature crowd. Ask for Elias special: a vodka shot with a sugar topped absinth soaked lime aflame on top. Gauche got a DJ every weekend.

Gem 961 70 220223 St. Nicholas Stairs Gemmayzeh . Intimate but not cramped, Gem is a prime example of the new breed of restaurant bars that are changing the way locals spend their nights in Beirut. Its extensive, fruit based cocktail list can be explored while relaxing in the light interior, where the traditional elements include carved wooden doors and old fashioned divans. Flickering candles, picture windows, looking out over the vibrant street outside and a soundtrack of jazz help create a unique ambience that has already attracted a legion of dedicated fans.

Godot 961 575770 Gouraud Street, Gemmayzeh. Daily 04:00 p.m. 02:00 a.m. Happy Hour 05:00 p.m. - 08:00 p.m. This lively little bar attracts Beirut's artsy and intellectual crowd with its tasteful decor, exposed ventilator system and charming staff. Sip one of their signature fresh fruit cocktails or sample their selection of mouth watering draught beers. Free WiFi. Wednesday is non smoking night.

Greedy Goose 961 1 337883 Monot Street Achrafieh. Daily 5 p.m. - 2 a.m. weekend brunch from 11:30 a.m. Happy Hour Monday - Thursday 5 p.m. - 8 p.m. Friday 5 p.m. - 9 p.m. Meal for two with drinks 80,000 LBP. This venue have all the charms of a traditional British pub. Homemade dishes and full English breakfast make this pub a favourite with the ex-pats. With screens on most walls you can catch up on all your major sporing events. Mondays are pub quiz night.
Iris 961 3 090936 An Nahar Building, Martyrs' Square Beirut Central District
A relative newcomer to Beirut's nightlife scene Iris is located on top of the An Anahar building and offers picturesque views across the city and sea below, which are especially enchanting when lit at night. The relaxed atmosphere is coumppounded by intimate circular table settings, surrounded by low-level white cushioned seating beneath strings of exposed light bulbs,. The unusual cocktail list is well worth exploring, the Velvet Rose, which mixes Tanqueray gin with lime, rose syrup, violet and a lemon twist is a tempting blend of sweet and sour flavours.

Joe Pena's 961 1 449906 Honeine Building, Boutros Dagher Street, in the alley between La Tabkha and Godot, Gemmayze. Daily 07:00 p.m. - 02:00 a.m. Happy Hour 07:00 a.m. - 02:00 a.m. This cantina/bar features a dining room bar and outdoor terrace and serves delicious Mexicannfood. The ambience is unique the music cool and the drinks are almost all exclusive to the venue. Outdoor seats 40 people.

Jukebox 961 3 110200 Youssef El Hayek Street, off Gouraud Street, Gemmayzeh. Daily 05:00 p.m. - 02:00 a.m. Happy hour 05:00 p.m. - 08:30 p.m. This cozy bar has a free jukebox and music genre cocktails to match your mood from blues to funk and electronic. Free WiFi and live bands on Sundays

Kamelot Pub 961 3 094574 Gouraud Street Gemmayzeh. Daily 12 noon - late. This small lively British pub has English language sports commentary and attracts a mixed European and local crowd. It's a great place for a beer; or try the "December 6" cocktail (Baileys, Vodka, Malibu) a prize winning drink named after the owner's birthday.

Kayan 961 1 563611du Liban Street, Zaroub Haramieh, Gemmayzeh. Daily 05:00 p.m. - 02:00 a.m.Happy Hour 05:00 p.m. - 08:00 p.m.Really friendly and professional staffin a bar that is slick but welcoming. Serves great gastro food and wholesome sandwiches . Quick tip:  try their tiramisu Shots divine.

Kennedy's 961 741407 off Hamra Street and Makdessi Street, facing Eldorado, intersection of Ibrahim Abdel Aal Street and Omar Bin Abdel Street, Hamra. Daily 5 p.m. - late. This cozy Irish bar in Hamra is the place to come for a pint of Guiness and a big platter of fish and chips. With friendly staff and regular events from quiz nights, to weekly wings the lively atmosphere attracts a frequent crowd. With three screens built into the bar it's also the place to come for the football. Try their specialty cocktail the  "Irish Car Bomb".

Lakay 961 1 442000 Gouraud Street, Gemmayzeh, Daily 07:00 p.m. - late. Mix some classic French dishes with a little taste of Haitian Creole throw ina few colourful Caribean paintings and rythmis music and and you've got yourself this friendly gastropub. The salsa nights on Thursdays should not be missed.

London Bar 961 70 774902 Makdessi Street Hamra. Daily 5 p.m. - late. Happy hour 5 p.m. - 9 p.m. Whether you are in it for the drink or the music. London Bar is a good choice. Happy hour will take you on a three hour happy double decker journey with 50 percent discounts from 5 p.m. - 9 p.m. Cocktails and shots are very pocket friendly.

Name the bar 961 3 911417 Facing Electricite du Liban, Armenia Street, Mar Mikhael. Daily 11:00 a.m. 03:30 a.m. Happy Hour 05:00 p.m. - 08:00 p.m. A friendly unpretentious place with a decent cocktail list; be sure to try the kiwi martini or the rotating cocktail of of the week. The food is filling and the 'name this sandwich' -chorizo, cheese, mushroom and BBQ sauce - comes highhly recommended. Every Sunday they they have a jam, any genre welcome.

Neighbors 961 1 740259 Mahatma Ghandi Street, near intersection with Elias Gaspard Street (extension with Makdessi Street) Hamra. Daily 10:30 a.m. 03:00 a.m. Happy Hour 07:00 p.m. 09:00 p.m. This two floor pub always has  a great play list a mix of classic and a alternative rock, blues, and jazz. On Tuesdays at 08:30 p.m. they host Alaa Matar a guitarist and singer.

Obros 961 3 853888 Clemenceau Street, next to BBAC Clemenceau. Daily 06:00 p.m. 02:00 a.m. Bisarely decorated with astroturf and deck chairs, this '70s themed offers brilliant drinks and on regular pop/indie nights

Pacifico 961 1 204446 Monot Main Alley, Monot, Achrafieh. Daily 07:00 p.m. - 01:30 a.m.Happy hour 07:00 p.m. - 08:00 p.m. The first place to open in Monot after the civil war, this bar has a Cuban vibe and is renowned for its cocktails fajitas and 1930s Cubano music. Pacifico offers good Mexican food and and free

Plum Bar 961 1 326484 Monot Street, Achrafieh. Wednesday Saturday 09:00 p.m. - 04:00 a.m. Named after their delicious plum based cocktails and purple lighting theme. Sample some of their fusion cuisine while listening to a mix of progressive and house music.

Porto 961 3 888494 Gouraud Street Gemmayzeh Daily 6 pm - late. Happy hour 6 pm - 8:30 pm. A small and friendly authentic looking Potuguese pub with delicious cocktails. Perfect for a quiet drink with a friend.

Skybar   961 3 939191 Beirut International Exibition & Leisure Center Beirut Central District With a 2,500 person capacity over 170 staff and the longest bar in Beirut measuring more than 60 metres, Sky Bar is one of the city's largest venue. The bar is wonderfully designed with different levels to allow breathing space plenty of seating and calming eart toned fittings as well as air conditioning systems for hot summer nights. The atmosphere is upbeat, with a roster of international DJs taking the decks each evening to keep the dance floor filled.

The Red Booth 961 1 742397 Makdessi Street, Hamra. This bar has the feeling of a Berlin drinking hole, decorated with original brass autobus signs and a random collection of junk, along with a distinctive London red phone booth entrance. The extensive menu does hearty pub food, and the large private back room is perfect for private parties. Weekend DJs play hits from the '70s, '80s, and '90s.

Beirut may be the nightlife capital of Lebanon, but there also is plenty of entertainment for the high energy individual in other parts of Lebanon following a day of sightseeing  or outdoor adventure. For example after a morning touring the ruins of Anjar or Baalbeck, stop in at one of the Bekaa wineries for some food and wine tasting. Increasingly, the wineries are catering to tourists, tempting them out of Beirut with live jazz on the weekends or yoga and other activities.
In the summer, there are large festivals extending over several days or weeks in Baalbeck, Byblos, Beiteddine and Tyre headlining big names acts (both Lebanese and international performers) The festivals creates a lively atmosphere in the cities that host them.
Towns along the coast or in the mountains outside of Beirut are increasingly popular spots for entertainment, especially in the busy summer season when people want to escape the heat of the city. Try the nightlife on the coast north of Beirut, such as Jounieh and the Casino du Liban, or in the picturesque port town of Batroun.
Broummana, a scenic hillside town with cafes, restaurant, and discos, located 23 km east of Beirut, is also humming on the weekends. In winter, the ski resorts, such as Faraya-Mzaar, accommodate the jet set crowd.
Smaller street festivals and religious events occur in various parts of the country throughout the year. Wherever you go in Lebanon, there are likely to be restaurants, cafes, and pubs with special music and ambiance, or hospitable owners with whom to enjoy the evening.

Lebanon's Summer Nights - The Festive Rendez Vous Returns
Lebanon's cultural and artistic festivals, which have become one of its distinguished characteristics, start this summer in June and continue through July and August. They feature local and international groups and programs, amidst expectations of a promising tourism season.
As every summer, Lebanon's festivals evoke a splendid atmosphere of celebration and recreation. They attract, from all over the world tourists seeking exceptional evenings. Lebanon's festival are witnessing constant expansion and development, from musical cultural festivals for adults to festivals for all members of the family, offering programs focused on diversity and entertainment.
Once again, the Lebanese succeed, in their festival programs, in drawing international stars, rendering Lebanon's summer a truly unique season.
Summer 2012 festivals will be held in some of Lebanon's most prominent landmarks: Baalbeck Roman temples, Beiteddine Chehabi Palace in the Chouf region, Byblos where the Crusader Castle, illuminated at night. stands on the historic shore; Batroun the historic city overlooking the Mediterranean and a sea of ruins and sites; Jounieh, bride of the coast and pearl of the Mediterranean, Zouk Mikael, site of the old souk and the magnificient Roman amphitheater; and the always radiant Beirut Central District. This is in addition to various recreational activities throughout Lebanon's regions.
Baalbeck International Festivals
Beiteddine Art Festival
Byblos International Festivals
Jounieh International Festival
Zouk Mikael International Festival

Come for the festival stay for the weekend
The new Byblos Sur Mer (961 9 548000) hotel offers five stars standards directly by the sea for those wanting to attend the festival ther. The 30-room boutique hotel breathes romance and tranquility with artisanal touches like plush oriental carpets, locally embroidered wall hanging and cabinet handles, crafted from seashells, eHotel (961 9 545999) owned by Edde Sands is also a hip spot for snoozing after the show, with newly refurbished suites and modern bungalows that can comfortably accomodate up to four adults.  In Batroun the hillside Batroun Village Club (961 6 744336) or casual beachside San Stephano Hotel (961 6 643201) are budget friendly and just as much fun. For the slightly more adventurous Les Colombes (961 9 622401) a picturesque camping site in Amchit and not far from Byblos is a hidden natural refuge where one can enjoy the beauty of the beach and the sound of the waves. Pitch a tent or stay in one of their small but tidy studio chalets. Hotel Douma (961 6 520106) is 15 minutes away from Assia Pottery and has  a lovely view of the mountains. The Laklouk Shangri La Hotel (961 9 430006) offers breathtaking vistas from its verandas the 1950's and 1960's vintage furniture and Bamboo themed bar lend the place a classic retro vibe.
To spend a night in luxury, the Mir Amin Palace (961 5 501315) is a historical boutique hotel just a five minute drive away from Beiteddine Palace, where the Beiteddine festival takes place.It was built from the ruins of the original palace and has 22 rooms decorated in an oriental style. Drawings by the famous French artist and writer Jean Cocteau still adorn its walls. The new wing is more luxurious for an overnight stay and the hotel cafe is a good spot to stop for a fancy tea. For a more rustic, yet equally charming overnight stay, the Beit el Hana guesthouse (961 70 103222) in the village of Maasser el Chouf, which lies at the edge of the cedar forest, offers opportunities to meet other nature lovers, savor organic meals, and be completely overtaken by the tranquility of the place. Beit el Hna guesthouse is quaint and perfect for couples, while the St Michel Auberge (961 5 350451) is ideal for families and youth groups. Other options include La Bastide, a modest guesthouse in Deir el Qamar with a view on the Chouf Mountain and the Ashkar House (961 3 3545580 in Khreibeh.
If you are heading to Baalbeck the West Bekaa Country Club (961 8 645601) in Kherbet Anafar and the Chtaura Park Hotel (961 8 540011) in Chtaura offer reasonable rates and attractive grounds for enjoying a relaxing weekend escape. For contemporary history, visit the Palmyra Hotel (961 8 370230) and step into the past. The colonial era relic remains unchanged since the 1960's and still maintains its star studded guest book on display inscribed with names, such as the likes of General Charles de Gaulle. The hotel was used as a headquarters by the German army in WWI and a British army in WWII. The new annex of the hotel is much more comfortable than its historical counterpart, though both have a phenomenal view over the ruins. Pension Shouman (961 8 372685) is clean with all of the basics and has 5 small rooms that also overlook the ruins. Wada B&B (961 70 211503) in Deir el Ahmar and the Al Rachid (961 70 211503 in Jdeydet el Fekha are warm and friendly guesthouses. And the Taanayel Ecolodge  (961 3 124279) is unique and fun experience from Arc en Ciel, which restored and transformed traditional houses in the Bekaa into rustic and colorful chalets that reflect the culture of the valley. The eco-lodge organizes cultural and sport activities for guests.

Guesthouses in Lebanon
Qontar Guesthouses a Princeley Residence. Mobile: 961 71 604361
The guesthouse inner courtyard

It's in Mtein where the guesthouse is found inside an 18th century palace.palace The village is at short distance from Beirut and offer a wonderful escape from the city.
The grand portal is of yellow and white alternated stones. Its massive structure reminds visitors that the palace was once the seat of Emir Qabalan AbIlamah. the ruling prince. A vaulted entrance leads leads you inside the palace. Few steps and I found myself in a charming stone courtyard shaded by a climbing vine. Najibeh Qontar was there to welcome me.
The grand portal of the  palace
The Palace breathes its noble history and the humbleness of rural life. Najibeh Qontar immediately offered me a tour around the palace. The family has been preserving their legacy defying the hazards of time. During the 1975 war, the palace was looted and lost most of its furniture. In a room, an old canopy bed is simply beautiful with white embroidered sheets. In another is found a rich collection of polished old brass kitchen utensils. Then, of course, there was a series if abandoned  spacious ruins whose ceiling is made of thick wooden beams.
An old canopy bed, one of
the few surviving old furniture

On the ground floor a room was prepared to receive guests offering them accommodation and meals. The guesthouse was established by Lebanon Mountain Trail Association since Mtein is located along 472 km path that starts in Qobayat and finishes in Marjeyoun. In the renovated

At Aqoura a Guesthouse near Orchards of Apples. Mobile: 961 3 144273
View  of Aqoura's rich orchards

At 1400 meters altitude, the village seems squeezed at the foot of an imposing mountain. The region's sceneries are splendid. But the hospitality and the culinary talent at El Hachem guesthouse  are the final touch to complete your day.
Head to Byblos and take the road to Annaya then Laqlouq. Turn right to Aqoura. The sceneries are majestic mountains are orchards of juniper, apple and cherry trees. A handful of houses and churches seem squeezed on the foot of a mountain. The village is known for its vertiginous  cliffs of breathtaking views. Basins that collect rain water are scattered around for irrigation. During this time of year, the flamboyant colors of fall start to settle. Walk through the village and discover a small chapel cut in the rock of a mountain. Many believe it was
A climbing vine shading the guesthouse courtyard
a Roman temple. Further up follow the path of an Roman road. It traversed the mountain all the way to Baalbeck in the Bekaa Valley.
Keeping some of the cooking traditions
The apple is the king of autumn fruits in Lebanon and Aqoura's best produces. At first bite the apple reveals its crisp texture and juice. The homemade rustic cuisine prepared by Sayed el Hachem at their guesthouse is irresistible. Most of the vegetables are grown at their gardens. You will the salad made with wild edible plants. One of the typical local dish is kibbeh with walnuts; a mixture of smashed potatoes and ground walnuts.
Sayed el Hachem guesthouse was also estaDHJDJDDGHblished by Lebanon Mountain Trail Association.
It offers accommodation to visitors and hikers who wish to discover the nearby village of Tannourine and its cedar reserve as well Afqa, the famous spring who witnessed the love of Adonis and Venus.

Abou Majed Guesthouse In the Heavenly Bqaa Safrine. Mobile: 961 3 127124
The village is famous for its cultivated terraces

The village is located in Dinniyeh region in northern Lebanon, amid magnificent green landscapes at 1400 meters altitude. The Abou Majed Guesthouse is a wonderful lodging to discover the surroundings.
You will enjoy the northern warm hospitality at Abou Majed's. The cuisine is prepared in the pure tradition by the lady of the house. The bread is freshly baked in the tannour (stone oven) and will reveal its taste when it' s served with the rustic cuisine. When Majed was asked about the traditional dishes they are famous for, he proudly replied "the entire Lebanese dishes one can think of". But kebbeh seems to be their specialty.
Bqaa Safrine
Hikers enjoying the warm hospitality of Abou Majed Guesthouse 
is well situated at the bottom of Jabal el Makmal. It's Lebanon's highest peak - permanent snow can be seen in its crevices. The mountain is explored either by foot or by 4x4 cars. From where its sits, the village overlooks most of Chekka, Tripoli and the Syrian shoreline as well.
At the village there is a spring called nabeh essikar that is wonderful to taste. The water is pure and probably the purest in Lebanon, says Maged el Sayah. Terraced slopes are planted with a barity of fruit trees. The atmosphere carries in its molecules the scent of cedars, pine and juniper emanating from the reserves of Jurd el njass and Jabal el Arban, which culminates at 1540 meters and is home to 4000 cedar trees.

Hikers enjoying the warm hospitality of Abou Majed Guesthouse
The village offers a wonderfull setting for hiders. Abou Majed Guesthouse is another conventional lodging by Lebanese Mountain Trail Association, which links several villages together. Bqaa Safrine is a stopover to Ehden. The village is a reputable summer destination, but Abou Majed Guesthouse offers lodging for visitors any time of the year.

Taanayel Eco lodge A Rural Bekaa Experience Tel: 961 8 544881
A charming display of few rural objects

Unlike the mountain guesthouses, the Taanayel eco-lodge is a replica of a small Bekaa rural village where houses are built with mud bricks. It's run by Arcenciel, a non profit organisation for persons with disabilities.
The atmosphere at the village is agreeable. The houses are covered with calcite and adorned with aesthetic objects and tools. You will notice that in some rooms, walls have open cases  called "youk" to store the mattresses and bed sheets during the day. Traditionally, when it's time to sleep, the mattresses are unrolled and put right on the floor.
A colorful reconstructed atmosphere
of a Bekaa rural house
The village setting will disconnect you from the usual urban commotion without really cutting you off from any amenities. Taanayel Eco-lodge is equipped with internet, TV as well as  conference room for meetings. But unless it's urgent to use them, wouldn't be exciting to discover the region?.
Few kilometers to the east is Anjar where stand the remains of the magnificent Umayyad city. Near the spring, you will enjoy the Armenian dishes  and the grilled trout fish at the restaurants. The Bekaa is where most of the wineries are settled.  A tour of the wineries is imperative.
A colorful reconstructed atmosphere of
a Bekaa rural house
Then further north are the great Roman temples at Baalbeck, declared a Work Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1984. But in the vicinity of the eco lodge and right across the road is the Jesuit Convent. It's known for its beautiful cultivated terrains, the lake  and the delicious dairy products  which became a must buy every time the people visit the region. The convent also became an eco-tourism destination that one can discover by bike or on horseback.
The Taanayel eco-lodge is a voyage of senses in the Bekaa rural life through every detail and served dish.

At Hasbaya A Guesthouse Near Hasbani River Mobile: 961 3 909596
In fact the guesthouse is situated at ten meters from the Hasbani Source, in a touristic area where restaurants are scattered along the riverbank.
The house is of traditional architecture and the diyafa is generous and cordial a Wael Chmeiss guesthouse. The village of Hasbaya was the fief of the Chehab Emirs and is known today for its Citadel and Al Midan. The sceneries in the southern part of the country are charming. Hasbaya is located on the foot of the majestic Jabal el Cheikh and overlooks a beautiful fertile valley. where a brook of Hasbani River runs. On its slopes Roman Temples are found.
Orchards of olive  trees extend in narrow plains and on mountain slope terraces. During this time of year you might encounter people handpicking  the olives. They will be carried to village presses where one of Lebanon's most exquisite olive oil is produced.
Wael Chmeiss guesthouse is another experience of rural living. It also offers accommodation for hikers. Hasbaya is another village where the path of Lebanon Mountain Trail Association traverses. Here too, the guests will enjoy the homemade rural cuisine. The dishes are freshly made and some desserts are typical to the region. The walnuts fill savory Lebanese pastries called Atayef and  Fatayer..
The house offers lodging for twelve persons and an opportunity to discover the charming village on foot or by bike. A magical atmosphere  is at Tuesday market. Merchants and visitors from the region  gather in an open air space ..... a pleasing colorful weekly souk where people  bargain, eat local treats and greets one another. They are perpetuating an old tradition that used to take place  at the Souk el Khan today in ruin.

Beaches in Lebanon
Lazy B - The sound of silence 
Relaxation is not possible without some quiet time. Lazy B in Jiyeh just 20 minutes south of the capital, is certainly the ideal place to enjoy the sound of silence since unlike other resorts in the country, there is no loud music on the premises. Another unique feature of the resort is its creek, with a fresh water spring that provides a very invigorating swim. Your guests can lounge in the adult pool, where kids are not allowed and take advantage of the free WI-Fi while sipping a refreshing cocktail. For lunch, they can savor Lebanese and international cuisine on one of the seven terraces of the restaurant or a light snack if they prefer to keep their spot in the sun. To end the day, why not offer them a reflexolgy or aromatherapyt massage at the most silent spot of the venue. By sunset you will have a happy relaxed guest.
 Lazy B is the address for Zen and relaxation. Enjoy its most breathtaking feature: three natural creeks of different depths, surrounded by wide sandy beaches offering access to the open sea, and three freshwater swimming polls, two reserved for adults and one open to the whole family, Entrance fee during the weekend 26 USD 40,000 LBP,   during the weekdays 23 USD 35,000 LBP. Kids under 15 years 20,000 / 15,000 LBP. Jiyeh  70 950010 Opens from May through October

Bonita Bay - Parties and live music
For party animal, there is but one address : Bonita Bay. In this charming Batroun location, about 50 minutes north of the capital, Sundays are not only meant to take in the sun, but also to in the beat. In the afternoon, a live band entertains guests who are ready to let go of their inhibitions and dance the afternoon away. By evening all fell rejuvenated and ready to tackle the coming work week. For night owls, theme evenings are available. Thursday nights are reserved for salsa, while Wednesdays nights are White Party time. As for those who enjoy good food the chefs at Bonita Bay will dazzle you with local dishes made from the freshest ingredients, not that you'll have much time to eat.
Succulent Lebanese mezze and seafood beside turquoise blue waters by day and drinks by the sea at night, chilled out music throughout the week and a live band every Sunday afternoon helps you indulge in all the pleasure a summer in Lebanon has to offer. Entrance fee weekdays 15,000 LBP weekends 20,000 LBP Batroun 06 744844

C Flow
C Flow resort is a great destination for whoever is seeking a comfortable stay at an enchanting beach with a stylish pool, white sandy beach, Italian, Lebanese and other gastronomic delights, a bar and Jacuzzis.
Entrance fee weekdays 25,000 LBP, weekends 33,000 LBP Byblos 03 039703 

Cyan's many amenities revolve around maximizing beach and sun entertainment day and night including a swimming pool with a pool bar, a rocky beach with plenty of water sports and a VIP area with a pool bar, Jacuzzis, DJ and the ultimate beach parties. Entrance fee weekdays 30,000 LBP, weekends 35,000 LBP  kids under 12 years 10,000 LBP/15,000 LBP Kaslik 09 223323

Edde Sands - Wellness attitude
Aside from being one of the most beautiful resorts in Lebanon, Edde Sands has established itself as a wellness destination. Here under the shadow of the historical city of Byblos, 40 minutes north of the capital, your guests can begin their day sunbathing at the pool. Then they are off to the tropical spa for some Ayurvedic treatments to help balance their inner selves. The in-house Bach Flower specialist is always ready for a personal consultation to alleviate the strains of work. Bach Flowers therapy is a natural system of stress management. Finally a yoga session on the beach will seal in the relaxation and turn the day into a memorable experience.
Surrounded by palm trees and and lush tropical gardens, Edde Sands offers its guests; luxurious beach front bungalows with roof top terraces, deluxe poolside rooms, cabanas, a hotel, 4 large swimming pools, 8 restaurants, a ballroom to seat 650 and the most popular pool party destination in the area.  Entrance fee during the weekend 24 USD during the weekdays 18 USD kids under 12 years 12,000 LBP. Byblos 09 546666 Opens from April through  end October.

Iris Beach Club
Far more than just another undeveloped stretch of beach turned into a Beirut summer destination, Iris Beach Club is where you can spend an entire day with your friends and family in an unpretentious yet quietly sophisticated setting. Entrance fee weekdays 30,000 LBP weekends 40,000 LBP Damour 71 533318 

Riviera Hotel - Join the crowd 
At the heart of the capital lies the Riviera Beach Lounge, where your guests can rub elbows with Beirut's "it" crowd. A party venue at all times, your guests can enjoy dancing and drinking at the pool. This is not a place for a swim but rather a dip. It is a place to see and be seen. For additional privacy, you can reserve the San Tonini Lounge where your guests can bask in the sun while a private butler serves chilled drinks at the table or in your reserved jacuzzi. Riviera is the perfect way to show how the other Lebanese half live.

Laguava Resort - Relaxing weekend
Instead of just a day out, why not offer your guests a relaxing weekend on the beautiful sandy shores of Rmaileh, a 30 minute drive south of the capital? La Guava is an ideal place to spend a weekend on the beach. Your guests can settle in at one of the newly renovated bugalows with modern decor in bright refreshing colors. After a swim, sip a glass of chilled rose while enjoying the sunset in the outdoor jacuzzi. If your guests have a taste for adventure, they can engage in some parasailing activities, go water skiing or scuba diving. Those who are less daring can enjoy a game of beach volleyball or soccerr in the specialized sports area.

Palm Island Nature Reserve - Enjoy the ecosystem
Located northwest of Tripoli, Palm Island Nature Reserve is perhaps the best beach to witness the diversity of the Lebanese ecosystem. It takes about an hour and fiftenn minutes to get to Tripoli from Beirut and another thirty minutes by boat from the city's Al Mina (port) district. Many fauna and flora species as well as habitat ecosystems take refuge in the reserve, away from the urban stress. The island is resting area for rare and endangered migratory birds and the only place in Lebanon that has nesting sea birds. After a stroll along the shore observing the wonders of nature, your guests can take in the sun, go for a swim or simply while the hours away.

Tyre Beach - Underwater ruins
One of the best and cleanest beaches in Lebanon lies in Tyre, an hour's drive down the coast to the south of the country, where city dwellers can cherish sea and sand. What makes this place so unique is the fresh water springs that outflow to the sea creating a fresh marine water interface, kayak with your guests from the shore towards the submerged Roman ruins and dive in for an exceptional snorkelling session. Upon your return to land share a picnic basket of homemade food or fish cooked in nearby huts. A good meal should always be followed by a siesta in the sun. Finally, watch the sun go down over the Mediterranean. With such serenity, your guests will never want to leave.

Pearl Beach - Water sports
Pearl Beach is where guests can take pleasure in sunbathing, swimming snorkeling, kayaking, scuba diving, windsurfing, wave riding kite boarding, fishing, sunset watching and beacgcombing on the the beautiful shores of Batroun. The natural beach is a wonderful destination for water sports lovers who are looking for some wet thrills. With so many choices your guest will be busy all day and go back to work, full of energy. Pearl Beach is also a wonderful food destination where the chef will serve you delicious local delicacies,. The beach bar offers a daily happy hour and many evenings are reserved for parties. If you happen to be there on a weekend go to barbecue right with your guests.

White Beach - The simple life 
Since 1988 this family owned beach has welcomed visitors from around the world. Located on the untouched shores of Batroun, the white Beach family will see to your guest's every need. They will be pampered with the best of traditional Lebanese cuisine while basking in the sun. A chill out beach with a wide range of activities to enjoy if your guests feel up to it, otherwise you can just let them  lay back and relax. With the Batroun wineries only a stone's throw away, why not send your guests there to visit as part of their day out.

Atlas Beach - A sandy beach
Big straw umbrellas and people catering for themselves. Atlas Beach on the shores of Jiyeh is solely about a seaside experience. Attendants will help you settle in, provide you with a table, a sun bed and a cardboard visor for your car. Early birds might even enjoy the sight of a dozen crabs daring in and out of the sand. The restaurant serves basic food at reasonable prices. Usually a young crowd, but you can occasionally see children playing in the sand with their parents. Your guests will enjoy the simplicity of it all. 961 3 222309

Movenpick Hotel Beach - Out to sea
Discover the wonders of the Mediterranean Sea by taking your guests on a unique boat ride. The Dolphin Team Yachting at the Movenpick Hotel and Resort Beirut provide big or small boats that can take you deep out into the sea, all while enjoying 5 star food and beverage service. A captain and crew will remain with you at all times, so your guests will feel at ease. Upon their return they can do laps in the Olympic sized pool, followed by a cool cocktail on the beautiful terraces of Hemmigway's Bar or Square Lounge. A unique nautical and gastronomical experience.

The Golden Tulip Jiyeh Marina and Resort - Business on the beach 
If you are looking to pamper but work at the same time, then The Golden Tulip Jiyeh Marina and Resort may be the answer. Spread over 100,000 sqm with a 1200 m beachfront and 20,000 sqm of sandy beach, the resort is conveniently located 20 minutes from Beirut International Airport and Beirut Down Town City Center. The 5 star resort consists of 57 chalets, 152 rooms, fully furnished, spacious with private balconies overlooking the sea.  and five Yacht Club studios. All rooms are fully furnished, spacious and have their own private balconies and a unique view. As expected of a 5 star resort, it has a variety of eateries, as well as beach, nautical, sports and water activities. entrance fee weekdays 30,000 LBP, weekend 35,000 LBP. Under 18 years 20,000 LBP/ 25,000 LBP, kids under 3 years free  

Bamboo Bay
Sitting on the Jiyeh coast of Lebanon is a stunning beachfront resort. For those who are looking for somewhere different to hold a reception, party or banquet, Bamboo Bay can organize an event that's unforgettable. Bamboo Bay welcomes you to a world where each square meter of its 3000 m2 is designed for your comfort and wellness.
With its panoramic sea, sandy beach and swimming pools, Bamboo Bay is the perfect place to spend a lovely day out for all the family. And if you want some quite time away from the kids then check out the private areas that include a sundeck, terraces, Jacuzzis and gardens.
Experience moments of extreme pleasure that will heighten your senses. Entrance fee weekend 40,000 LBP 27 USD, weekdays 35,000 LBP. Opens from mid May through end October.

Batroun Village Club
60 minutes from Beirut airport, 20 minutes from Tripoli, 5 minutes from the Batroun old souk, 60 minutes from the Cedars forest. Discover an original and ancient side of Lebanon. Just over one hour from Beirut and in a lush hill immersed in olive groves and neneyards lies the Batroun Village Club. A distinguished Mediterranean village experience offering the ultimate in relaxation with its outside pool, green areas, health club, children programs, tennis and basket ball courts, horse back riding excursions to discover countless treasures and traditions
Batroun Village Club had an old church in its surroundings, where weddings are celebrating and a beautiful Roman like amphitheater.

Veer Boutique Hotel & Resort (Adult only)
Overlooking the Mediterranean Sea, Veer's timeless metal structure offers beach connoisseurs an exceptional experience. Enjoy the summer in style from its pools, restaurants and bars, as well as beach rooms or villas with their own Jacuzzis and glass pools. Its food and beverage journey will take its passenger into various moods and food selection. With the summer being a season for fun, Veer's line up of events is designed to appeal to different guests from families to beach clubbers. Entrance fee weekdays 37,500 LBP, weekend 52,500 LBP Kalik 70 441444 

White Beach
Situated only 45 kilometers from Beirut, and 5 kilometers away from the sizzling nightlife of Batroun. Since 1988 our family has welcomed visitors from around the world, and hopes to serve and please anyone looking for a soothing escape. Entrance fee weekdays 6,000 LBP, weekends 8,000 LBP Batroun 06 742404

Camping sites in Lebanon
Camping Amchit Les Colombes 
Set on 50 meter high clifftops, this is a fantastic location under the stars. If you are doing tents you've got to bring your own. There are also on site housing options, from two person cabins to apartments that can take up to eight people, great for a family. For those in tents, there are two two kitchens for guests to share, as well as a hot shower (always important). If you've got biles, bring them! There is also fishing, volleyball and of course, don't forget your swimmers. It must be noted that due to the cliffs all those with small children must be vigilant
Situated in Amchit about 38 km north of Beirut, camping Amchit Les Colombes accomodates tourists and locals 365 days a year and 24 hours a day in a peaceful, natural and wild environment. Occupying 27,000 sqm of land, it is set on a 40 meter cliff overlooking the Mediterranean sea. Apart from camping, various types of rooms and climats that suit all tastes and budgets are offered. No services or activities are provided at the camp, but it has access to two rocky beaches. Take a walk to the sea, snorkel and swim. Later perfect your talent as a chef by firing up the barbecue or cooking your own fish using an old family recipe. Those of you who wish to camp should bring their own tents. Common bathrooms, showers and kitchens are available.Tents LBP 10,000 per person per night, Cabins LBP 30,000 to LBP 225,000 per  night. No credit card.  961 9 622401

Jisr El Hajjar
This is a more adventurous suggestion. On the outskirts of Faqra lies one of Lebanon's natural wonders, Jisr el Hajar or the 'Natural Bridge', carved over the centuries b y wind and water The 34 meter bridge is so perfect that it's hard to believe it's natural. Faqra is  so wide and open that the terrain is perfect for for camping. Bring along your hiking books and spends the days working on your muscles. In fact, it's one of the most popular places in Lebanon for rock climbing. Pitch wherever you please. You'll definitely need your own camping equipment for this one. Near Faraya.

Sharewood Camp
Located in the mountains above the capital, Sharewood Camp features an outstanding choice of indoor and outdoor leisure facilities and accomodations in fully equipped tents. Whether you are a group of adults or a family, 20 large tents (3m x 4m x 2.75m) zipped from all sides will ensure the best security. Activities include abselling, rappelling, rock climbing, Tyrolean traverse, zip-line, archery, hiking, volleyball, giant chess, rifle shooting, darts, backgammon, four-in-a-line, lawn ball, donkey rides, ping pong, giant sand box, balance beam, tug of war, table football, trampoline and badminton. At night, you can let your inner singer out during karaoke around the campfire. If you don't feel like cooking you can always eat at the restaurant, which serves traditional Lebanese food and snacks. 961 4 870592

Bzebdine Hidden Valley Resort  
Located in the upper Metn Mountains, a region known for its beautiful weather and pine tree forest, the Bzebdine Hidden Valley Resort is agreat location for nature lovers to take in the outdoors. You can stay in a tent or in a wooden cabin. Electricity and hot water are available. Aside from the usual nature activities you can engage in horseback riding in the forest, self guiding hiking trails, biking caving and rappelling. The open air restaurant serves homemade food and fires up the barbecue every Sunday for lunch. With tenta and wooden cabins, you'll love the peacefulness of this location. Activities include horseback riding, self guided hiking trails, biking, caving and rappelling. There is an open air restaurant on the premises, which offers a special Sunday brunch and barbeque right up until October, USD 55 per adult, USD 40 per child,  961 3 339370, 03 466662, 03 410605

Nature Land Camping & Adventure
Spread over 10,000 sqm of luscious green wilderness, Nature Land Camping and Adventure offers a wide variety of social, cultural and environmental outdoor activities including hiking, caving rappelling tree climbing flying fox and archery. Unique half day programs will take kids on a tour of a farm, where they will participate in milking a cow and collecting eggs. Survival half day will teach them to use a compass and read a map. Martial art day is an occasion to perfect your fighting and self defense technique. The evening are reserved for astronomy lessons or for the more energetic night hikes and caving. you can stay in a tent that can fit different sized groups equipped with mattresses and all lighting necessities.
Just 40 minutes from Beirut, this campsite offers lots of activities for the kids. There is one special half day program about traditional Lebanese life. Take part in activities like milking cows and collecting eggs. You can also sign up for Survival Day, which will teach you everything from how to use a compass to navigating the wild, perfect if you decide to be adventurous and go off road with children in tow. Tents are provided, different sizes from two to 20 people.  They come with mattresses, but bring your own sleeping bag.  A cooking facility is also available South Metn Bzebdine 03 784246, 03 450591, 961 3 784246 USD 15 per person, breakfast included

La Reserve Afqa
A campsite open from May - October, it comes equipped with everything you'll need, except TVs or radio - they are forbidden. Ideal to help you and the tots gets away from it all. You won't meed to bring your own tent this time, and they provide all you'll need. You can even be cheeky and charge you mobile.
Situated high in Lebanon's mountain, Afqa camping welcomes you from May till October for a night in the wilderness. Every tent is equipped with four beds, matresses, pillows, lighting and one electrical outlets for your mobile telephone, if being out of reach might trigger separation anxiety issues, wc's and showers are individual prefab units, and hot water is available. Campsite activities range from archery, hiking and orienteering to caving and rope courses. If you prefer not to carry food with you, a restaurant is available to satisfy your hunger. Jdeidet, Metn  03 727484, 03 883588,    961 1 498775 adult per night LBP  15,000, child (under 10 years old)  per night LBP 10,000)

Bkassine Forest 
In the mountains near the town of Jezzine lies Bkassine Forest, an ideal location for ecotourisme. In addition to it being the largest stone pine woodland in Lebanon, the forest is a delight to any nature lover as it hides waterfalls, hydraulic mills and a river. After setting up your tent, you can hike anywhere in the forest and enjoy its panoramic views of Mount Niha or the backbone of Mount Lebanon. The trail includes many traditional features such as kilns, olive presses, old bridges and water sources along the river, that flow at the edge of the forest at an altitude of 500m. During Autumn, the forest offers a unique canvas of colourful follage. Contact Samer Harfouche 961 3 237812

Where to get your camping equipment 
- Class Sports Mansourieh 01 680670 Also in Jounieh 09 991766,  Baabda 05 958989, Acharafieh 01 338336.
A wholesale gym and outdoor activity store where you can find lots of things to help make your camping experience more pleasurable. Tents for two to six people range from LBP 45,000 to LBP 250,000; recheargable lamps are LBP 35,000, sleeping bags are LBP 40,000 or more; and a must for the great outdoors, a mosquito tennis raquet at LBP 10,000
- La Maison du Ski Feytroun Main Road 961 9 958203
Sleeping bags range from USD 60 to USD 80, inflatable mattresses range from USD 35 to USD 130; tents are USD 100 to USD 300, depending on how many of you wish to bunk up; torches and lamps are UD 10 to USD 40 and don't forget your bottom, foldable chairs are USD 20.
- Marcel Outin daily 9:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.. Furn el Hayek 01 20142. Locally made sleeping bags and back packs both USD 40.
Mike Sport Zalka Highway 961 888855
- Sports Experts Co ABC Mall Achrafieh 961 1 202555 -  Kaslik 961 9 223555 - Feytroun 961 9 951555
These guys have a special range of Salmon shoes that would be great for adults and children to go clambering around the rough terrain, starting at USD 200, tents starts at usd 80; and sleeping bags at USD 30 or more.

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